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Netkiller Developer 手札

November 15, 2008

Mr. Neo Chan, 陳景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
+86 755 29812080




Tue Dec 6 17:22:53 CST 2011



1. 系列文檔
2. 作者簡介
3. 寫給讀者
I. Developer & Language
1. Programming language
1. System programming language
2. 編程語言排行榜
1. Open Source and License
2. TIOBE Programming Community Index
3. Programming Languages Reference Sheets - Hyperpolyglot
3. Editor
1. VIM
1.1. New text file line delimiter
1.2. vim中的出現^M
1.3. tab 符
1.4. 粘貼是禁用格式化功能
1.5. Regular Expressions
1.5.1. search & replace
1.5.2. 會去掉vim檔案中的空白行
1.6. 大小寫轉換
1.7. split
1.8. vimrc
1.9. vimdiff - edit two or three versions of a file with Vim and show differences
1.9.1. 光標移動
1.9.2. 檔案合併
1.9.3. 上下文
1.9.4. 保存於退出
1.10. vim backup script
2. Eclipse
2.1. AnyEdit
2.2. Eclim
3. Komodo Edit
4. Syntext Serna Free
5. SciTE
4. Comparison, merge and patch utilities
1. comparison, merge
2. patch - apply a diff file to an original
3. WinMerge
4. Beyond Compare Pro
5. Build tool
1. make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
1.1. autoconf - Generate configuration scripts
2. scons - a software construction tool
3. Phing
6. 代碼託管
1. sourceforge.net
1.1. http://netkiller.users.sourceforge.net/ 頁面
7. 項目管理工具
1.1. 安裝
1.1.1. source code
1.1.2. easy_install
1.1.3. MySQL
1.2. trac.ini
1.2.1. repository
1.2.2. attachment 附件配置
1.3. trac-admin
1.3.1. adduser script
3. Open Source Requirements Management Tool
II. Web page
8. CSS
1. 瀏覽器判斷
1. iPhone WebApp
1.1. 撥打電話
1.2. iphone 表徵圖設置
10. Javascript
1. 禁止複製與滑鼠右鍵
2. DOMDocument
2.1. createTextNode
3. Microsoft.XMLHTTP
3.1. Get
3.2. POST
4. jQuery
4.1. Ajax
4.1.1. Load
4.2. jsonp
4.3. Garlic.js - 表單數據持久化
5. ActiveWidgets - WebUI
6. 所見即所得現在編輯工具
6.1. FCKeditor
6.2. NicEdit
6.3. TinyMCE
7. Highslide
8. JavaScript 代碼混淆
8.1. JavaScript Packer
9. phantomjs - headless WebKit with JavaScript API
10. Javascript MVC Frameworks
10.1. example
11. SSI
1. SSI 環境變數
2. if 條件判斷
12. Theme & UI
1. bootstrap
13. 3rd party
1. Share Buttons
2. discussions
14. install and configure
1. php.ini
1.1. Time Zone
1.2. open_basedir
1.3. disable_functions
1.4. disable_classes
1.5. 隱藏php本版信息
15. String 字元串操作
1. 英文大小寫
2. str_replace
16. Array 數組
1. 刪除數組元素
2. 數組與字元串操作
17. Function
1. 列出所有function
2. php.ini
2.1. ini_set
2.2. ini_get
3. PHP Option
4. 操作系統類型
5. 日期比較
6. rand()
7. header
18. PHP Classes 類與對象
1. 建構子和解構子 __construct() / __destruct()
2. Traits
19. PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library
1. php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5
1.1. 編譯安裝 APC Cache
2. PHP Memcache
2.1. pecl
2.2. apt-get
2.3. example
3. php5-gd - GD module for php5
4. Database Extensions
4.1. sqlite
4.2. mysqli
4.3. MongoDB
4.4. php-redis.x86_64 : Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
4.5. php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
4.6. PHP connect SQL Server under unix like
4.7. MySQL
4.8. oracle
5. xmlrpc
6. openssl
7. mcrypt
8. mhash
9. simplexml
10. ionCube
11. ZendOptimizer
12. zip
13. pcntl
14. mbstring
15. Suhosin
16. freetype
17. XCache
17.1. apt-get
17.2. make
18. XHProf
19. Xdebug
19.1. Webgrind
19.2. WinCacheGrind
20. UploadProgress
20. PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository
1. PEAR 使用說明
1.1. php-pear 安裝
1.2. channel-update
1.3. install/uninstall
2. Pyrus
3. Pirum is a simple PEAR Channel Server Manager
4. PHPUnit - Unit testing framework for PHP
6. Propel - smart, easy object persistence
6.1. 環境配置
6.2. PEAR Installer
7. Lua for PHP extension
21. Frameworks
1. CodeIgniter - Open source PHP web application framework
1.1. Nginx
1.2. PHP_CodeSniffer
2. Fuel PHP
2.1. 框架安裝
2.1.1. oil
2.1.2. Apache
2.1.3. Nginx
3. Yii
4. Zend Framework
4.1. Install Zend Framework
4.2. Create Your Project
4.3. Create a virtual host
4.4. Database
4.4.1. MySQL
4.4.2. SQLite
4.5. zf.sh
4.5.1. controller
4.5.2. model
4.5.3. layout
4.5.4. form
4.6. Smarty
22. Application
1. phpmailer
2. Soap
2.1. soapfunc.php
2.2. soapserver.php
2.3. soapclient.php
3. php function check
4. whois 域名查詢
23. Debug
1. FirePHP
24. FAQ
1. Error in TLS handshake, trying SSLv3...
IV. Python
25. install
1. Python2.x
2. Python3.x
3. Eric Python IDE
26. Input/Output
1. Standard
1.1. Standard Input
1.2. Standard Output
2. File
27. String
1. String function
1.1. str.find()
1.2. str.find()
2. Convert str to bytes in python
3. String format
4. Array
4.1. split / join
5. Datetime
5.1. datetime
28. 資料結構
1. List
2. Set
29. type
30. Class
31. Pipe
1. stdin
2. forkpty
3. Popen
32. Frameworks
1. REST web service framework
2. Django
3. Pylons
3.1. Getting Started with Pylons
3.1.1. Installing
3.1.2. Debian/Ubuntu
3.2. config/routing.py
3.3. mako template
3.3.1. include
3.3.2. inherit
33. Library
1. threading
2. syslog
2.1. udp client
2.2. udp server
3. Socket
3.1. UDP
3.1.1. UDP Server
3.1.2. UDP Clinet
4. Daemon
5. python-memcached
6. Pyro - Pyro is short for PYthon Remote Objects
7. Python Imaging Library
8. getopt – Command line option parsing
9. syslog
9.1. udp client
9.2. udp server
10. python-subversion
11. SimpleHTTPServer
12. fuse-python.x86_64 : Python bindings for FUSE - filesystem in userspace
13. Network
13.1. gevent - A coroutine-based network library for Python
14. TUI
14.1. urwid
14.2. pycdk
14.3. python-newt - A NEWT module for Python
V. Perl
34. Parrot
35. CPAN
36. Array, Hash
37. perl中的檔案測試參數
38. Data::Dumper
39. Perl Module
1. Module::Build
2. ExtUtils::MakeMaker
3. Test::Simple
4. Test::More
5. XML::Simple
6. LWP::Simple
7. Date::Manip
8. Parameter
8.1. Getopt::Std
8.2. Getopt::Long
9. Encode/Decode
9.1. Text::Iconv
9.2. Encode::Guess -- Guesses encoding from data
9.3. URI::Escape
10. Net::SSH::Expect
11. UDPM - Perl extension for User Dialogs
12. Curses::UI
40. Perl OOP
1. Moose - A postmodern object system for Perl 5
41. Frameworks
1. Catalyst Web framework
1.1. Template
2. Mojolicious
42. Java
1. 安裝 JDK
1.1. HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
2. Build Tools
2.1. Apache Ant
2.2. Apache Ivy
2.2.1. Ivy Install source code apt-get
2.2.2. Test example
2.3. maven2
3. API
3.1. log4j
3.2. java memcached client
3.3. Hessian
VI. Ruby
44. Ruby
1. rubygems
45. Variable
1. String
2. Array
46. Class
1. rmagick
47. Ruby on Rails
1. Getting Started
2. Creating a New Rails Project
2.1. Creating the Blog Application
2.2. Configuring a Database
2.2.1. Creating the Database
2.3. Hello world
2.4. Starting up the Web Server
2.5. Setting the Application Home Page
2.6. FAQ
3. capistrano
48. FAQ
1. no such file to load — mkmf
VII. Node.js
49. Node.js 安裝
1. npm -- node package manager
50. gcc
1. compiler
1.1. gcc - The GNU C compiler
2. ldconfig
3. lib
3.1. syslog.h
3.2. libssh2
51. C++
1. g++ - The GNU C++ compiler
2. Boost C++ Libraries
3. google-perftools
52. Objective-C
53. 調試工具
1. lsof - list open files
2. strace - trace system calls and signals
3. ltrace - A library call tracer
4. ldd - print shared library dependencies
5. Valgrind
54. clang - Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), C language family frontend
55. GNU Development Tools
1. strip - Discard symbols from object files.
IX. D Programming Language
56. D Lang
1. dmd install
2. helloworld
3. dmd - Digital Mars D2.x Compiler
3.1. -cov do code coverage analysis
4. Open Source Development for the D Programming Language
57. Message Queuing
1. RabbitMQ
1.1. rabbitmqctl - command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker
1.2. Python - Pika
1.3. Ruby amqp
2. ZeroMQ
2.1. python-zeromq
2.1.1. pyzmq
2.1.2. example
2.2. ruby zmq
X. Graphics
58. Gnuplot
1. terminal
2. output
3. title/xlabel/ylabel
4. xrange/yrange
5. xdata
6. plot
6.1. using
59. Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language
1. UML
60. MetaPost
61. RRDTool
1. install
2. rrdtool demo example
3. title
4. start / end
5. height / width
6. upper-limit / lower-limit
7. vertical-label
8. Data Source
9. Round Robin Archives
10.1. LINE
10.2. AREA
10.3. STACK
10.4. GPRINT
11. Example
11.1. Memory
11.2. example 1
11.3. example 1
62. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
1. Installation
1.1. Apt-get
1.2. Yum
2. The DOT Language
2.1. dot
2.2. twopi
2.3. gprof
3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
3.1. Color Names
3.2. Node Shapes
4. Example
4.1. E-R
4.2. Network
4.3. workflow
63. Chart
1. Open Flash Chart 2
2. Highcharts JS
3. amcharts
4. FiCharts
5. Google Chart Tools
64. UML


4.1. single file
4.2. a lot of file or directory
19.1. php apc cache
19.2. memcache.php
19.3. oracle
19.4. php openssl
19.5. mcrypt
19.6. simplexml
19.7. xhprof/sample.php
20.1. RSS.php
33.1. memcached.py
33.2. SimpleHTTPServer
42.1. /etc/profile.d/java.sh
42.2. memcached.java
52.1. Objective-C hello world
54.1. clang helloworld
57.1. Ruby on RabbitMQ
57.2. server.py
57.3. client.py
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