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部分 III. PHP 5


14. install and configure
1. php.ini
1.1. Time Zone
1.2. open_basedir
1.3. disable_functions
1.4. disable_classes
1.5. 隱藏php本版信息
15. String 字元串操作
1. 英文大小寫
2. str_replace
16. Array 數組
1. 刪除數組元素
2. 數組與字元串操作
17. Function
1. 列出所有function
2. php.ini
2.1. ini_set
2.2. ini_get
3. PHP Option
4. 操作系統類型
5. 日期比較
6. rand()
7. header
18. PHP Classes 類與對象
1. 建構子和解構子 __construct() / __destruct()
2. Traits
19. PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library
1. php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5
1.1. 編譯安裝 APC Cache
2. PHP Memcache
2.1. pecl
2.2. apt-get
2.3. example
3. php5-gd - GD module for php5
4. Database Extensions
4.1. sqlite
4.2. mysqli
4.3. MongoDB
4.4. php-redis.x86_64 : Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
4.5. php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
4.6. PHP connect SQL Server under unix like
4.7. MySQL
4.8. oracle
5. xmlrpc
6. openssl
7. mcrypt
8. mhash
9. simplexml
10. ionCube
11. ZendOptimizer
12. zip
13. pcntl
14. mbstring
15. Suhosin
16. freetype
17. XCache
17.1. apt-get
17.2. make
18. XHProf
19. Xdebug
19.1. Webgrind
19.2. WinCacheGrind
20. UploadProgress
20. PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository
1. PEAR 使用說明
1.1. php-pear 安裝
1.2. channel-update
1.3. install/uninstall
2. Pyrus
3. Pirum is a simple PEAR Channel Server Manager
4. PHPUnit - Unit testing framework for PHP
6. Propel - smart, easy object persistence
6.1. 環境配置
6.2. PEAR Installer
7. Lua for PHP extension
21. Frameworks
1. CodeIgniter - Open source PHP web application framework
1.1. Nginx
1.2. PHP_CodeSniffer
2. Fuel PHP
2.1. 框架安裝
2.1.1. oil
2.1.2. Apache
2.1.3. Nginx
3. Yii
4. Zend Framework
4.1. Install Zend Framework
4.2. Create Your Project
4.3. Create a virtual host
4.4. Database
4.4.1. MySQL
4.4.2. SQLite
4.5. zf.sh
4.5.1. controller action
4.5.2. model db-table
4.5.3. layout
4.5.4. form
4.6. Smarty
22. Application
1. phpmailer
2. Soap
2.1. soapfunc.php
2.2. soapserver.php
2.3. soapclient.php
3. php function check
4. whois 域名查詢
23. Debug
1. FirePHP
24. FAQ
1. Error in TLS handshake, trying SSLv3...
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