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Netkiller Linux Monitoring 手札

Monitoring, Scanner, Sniffer and Audit...

Mr. Neo Chan, 陳景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
+86 755 29812080







1. 系列文檔
2. 作者簡介
3. 寫給讀者
1. sys & proc
1. /sys
1.1. /sys/class/net/
2. /proc
2. System Utility
1. User
1.1. last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users
2. Memory
2.1. Memory
2.2. vmstat - Report virtual memory statistics
2.3. mpstat
2.4. pmap - report memory map of a process
3. CPU
3.1. uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
3.2. top - display Linux tasks
3.3. atop - AT Computing's System & Process Monitor
3.4. htop - interactive process viewer
4. Processes
4.1. strace - trace system calls and signals
4.2. lsof - list open files
4.2.1. 誰打開了該檔案
4.2.2. 誰在占用連接埠
4.2.3. 該進程打開了那些檔案
5. Harddisk IO
5.1. input/output statistics
5.1.1. 5 秒監控一次
5.2. iotop - simple top-like I/O monitor
5.3. ionice - set or get process I/O scheduling class and priority
6. Network
6.1. netstat
6.2. ss
6.3. iftop - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
6.4. iptraf - Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
6.5. nload: Console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth
6.6. bwm - Bandwidth Monitor
7. log
7.1. logwatch
7.2. nulog
8. Service
8.1. NFS
8.1.1. nfsstat
8.1.2. nfswatch
8.2. apachetop
9. watchdog
10. nmon
11. Hardware
11.1. temperature/voltage/fan
3. Network Management Software & Network Monitoring
1. Webmin
1.1. webalizer
2. Mrtg
3. Cacti
3.1. Install Cacti for Ubuntu
3.2. Source Install
3.3. Template
4. Nagios
4.1. Install Nagios
4.2. 配置 Nagios
4.2.1. authorized
4.2.2. contacts
4.2.3. hostgroups
4.2.4. generic-service
4.2.6. SMS 短信
4.3. 配置監控設備
4.3.1. routers
4.3.2. hosts / service http mysql hosts
4.4. Monitor Client nrpe
4.4.1. Nagios3 nrpe plugins
4.4.2. nagios-nrpe-server
4.5. Monitoring Windows Machines
4.5.1. NSClient++
4.5.2. check_nt
4.5.3. Enable Password Protection
4.6. Nagios Plugins
4.6.1. http.cfg check_http
4.6.2. mysql.cfg check_mysql mysql.cfg check_mysql_replication nrpe.cfg check_mysql_replication
4.6.3. Disk disk.cfg check_disk disk-smb.cfg
4.6.4. tcp_udp.cfg check_tcp Memcache
4.6.5. check_ping
4.7. PNP4Nagios
5. Munin
5.1. Installation Monitor Server
5.2. Installation Node
5.3. Additional Plugins
5.4. plugins
5.4.1. mysql
5.4.2. apache
6. Zabbix
6.1. Installing and Configuring Zabbix
6.2. web ui
6.3. zabbix-agent
7. Ganglia
7.1. Server
7.2. Client
7.3. Plugin
7.4. Installing Ganglia on Centos
8. lvs-rrd
9. Ntop
9.1. Installation
9.1.1. Ubuntu
9.1.2. CentOS
9.2. Web UI
9.3. Plugins
9.3.1. NetFlow
10. Observium
10.1. Installation
11. OpenTSDB
12. Bandwidth
12.1. apt-get install
12.2. CentOS rpm/yum
12.3. source code
12.4. /etc/bandwidthd.conf
14. OpenNMS
15. Performance Co-Pilot
16. Clumon Performance Monitor
17. Zenoss
18. 商業軟件
19. Hyperic HQ
20. OSSIM,Spiceworks,FireGen,LANSweeper,OSSEC,HIDS
21. Graphite
4. Web
1. Apache Log
1.1. 刪除日誌
1.2. 統計爬蟲
1.3. 統計瀏覽器
1.4. IP 統計
1.5. 統計域名
1.6. HTTP Status
1.7. URL 統計
1.8. 檔案流量統計
1.9. URL訪問量統計
1.10. 腳本運行速度
1.11. IP, URL 抽取
2. Tomcat Log
2.1. 截取 0-3 點區間的日誌
3. awstats
3.1. 語言
3.2. 輸出HTML文檔
3.3. 多站點配置
3.4. 合併日誌
3.5. Flush history file on disk (unique url reach flush limit of 5000) 優化
3.6. JAWStats
4. webalizer
4.1. 手工生成
4.2. 批量處理歷史數據
4.3. crontab
5. Sarg - Squid Analysis Report Generator
5. SMS
1. gnokii
2. AT Commands
6. IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
1. OpenIPMI
2. freeipmi
2.1. ipmiping
2.2. ipmimonitoring
2.3. ipmi-sensors
2.4. ipmi-locate
3. ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
3.1. ipmitool
3.1.1. ubuntu
3.1.2. CentOS
3.2. sensor
3.3. ipmitool shell
3.4. ipmitool 訪問遠程主機
3.5. Get chassis status and set power state
3.6. Configure Management Controller
3.6.1. Management Controller status and global enables
3.6.2. Configure LAN Channels
3.6.3. Configure Management Controller users
3.6.4. Configure Management Controller channels
3.7. Example for iDRAC
3.7.1. 更改IP地址,子網掩碼與網關
3.7.2. 更改 iDRAC LCD 顯示屏
3.7.3. 更改 iDRAC 密碼
3.7.4. 關機/開機
7. NetFlow
1. flow-tools - collects and processes NetFlow data
1.1. flow-capture
2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
2.1. netams-web
8. Logs 分析
1. rinetd.log
2. php-syslog-ng
3. Log Analyzer
4. Splunk
5. logstash - open source log management
9. JVM
1. jconsole
2. jHiccup


2.1. config.php
2.2. nmon
3.1. mrtg
3.2. cacti config.php
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