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7. log

7.1. logwatch

logwatch - log analyser with nice output written in Perl


過程 2.1. logwatch 安裝步驟:

  1. Install

    Ubuntu 7.10

    netkiller@shenzhen:/etc/webmin$ apt-cache search logwatch
    fwlogwatch - Firewall log analyzer
    logwatch - log analyser with nice output written in Perl

    apt-get install

    # apt-get install logwatch

    the logwatch has been installed, it should create a file in '/etc/cron.daily/00logwatch'.

  2. config

    $ sudo cp /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf  /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
    $ sudo mkdir /var/cache/logwatch
    $ sudo vim /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

    mail to

    # Default person to mail reports to.  Can be a local account or a
    # complete email address.
    MailTo = root, openunix@163.com, other@example.com

    To change detail level for the report

    # The default detail level for the report.
    # This can either be Low, Med, High or a number.
    # Low = 0
    # Med = 5
    # High = 10
    Detail = High


    netkiller@shenzhen:~$ cat /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch
    #Check if removed-but-not-purged
    test -x /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl || exit 0
  3. The logwatch is command, you can run it.

     logwatch --print 

    單獨查看某個服務,比如 SSH 登錄信息

    logwatch --service sshd --print

7.2. nulog

例 2.1. config.php



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