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Netkiller Linux Storage 手札

File System, Network File System, Distributed Filesystem...

Mr. Neo Chan, 陳景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
+86 755 29812080





$Date: 2013-02-04 09:33:18 +0800 (Mon, 04 Feb 2013) $



1. 系列文檔
2. 作者簡介
3. 寫給讀者
1. Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
1. 物理卷管理(physical volume)
1.1. pvcreate
1.2. pvdisplay
1.3. pvs
2. 卷組管理(Volume Group)
2.1. vgcreate
2.2. vgdisplay
2.3. vgs
2.4. vgchange
2.5. vgextend
2.6. vgreduce
3. 邏輯卷管理(logical volume)
3.1. lvcreate
3.1.1. snapshot
3.2. lvdisplay
3.3. lvremove
3.3.1. snapshot
4. Format
5. mount
5.1. lv
5.2. snapshot
6. snapshot backup
2. Download Tools
1. wget - retrieves files from the web
1.1. 下載所有圖片
1.2. mirror
1.3. reject
1.4. ftp 下載
2. axel - A light download accelerator - Console version
3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
1. lftp
1.1. pget
1.2. lftp 批處理
2. ncftp
2.1. batch command
2.2. ncftpget
2.3. ncftpput
3. FileZilla
4. vsftpd - The Very Secure FTP Daemon
4.1. ftp 帳號的shell權限
4.2. vsftpd 認證模組
4.2.1. pam_shells.so
4.2.2. virtual user
4.2.3. 虛擬用戶權限
4.3. chroot
4.3.1. local user
4.3.2. /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
4.3.3. test
5. ProFTPD + MySQL / OpenLDAP 用戶認證
5.1. Proftpd + MySQL
5.2. Proftpd + OpenLDAP
6. Pure-FTPd + LDAP + MySQL + PGSQL + Virtual-Users + Quota
4. File Synchronize
1. 跨伺服器檔案傳輸
1.1. scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)
1.2. nc - TCP/IP swiss army knife
2. rsync - fast remote file copy program (like rcp)
2.1. 安裝Rsync與配置守護進程
2.1.1. install with source
2.1.2. install with aptitude
2.1.3. xinetd
2.2. rsyncd.conf
2.3. upload
2.4. download
2.5. mirror
2.6. step by step to learn rsync
2.7. rsync examples
2.7.1. rsync delete
2.7.2. backup to a central backup server with 7 day incremental
2.7.3. backup to a spare disk
2.7.4. mirroring vger CVS tree
2.7.5. automated backup at home
2.7.6. Fancy footwork with remote file lists
2.8. rsync for windows
2.9. 多進程 rsync 腳本
2.10. 數度限制
3. tsync
4. Unison File Synchronizer
4.1. local
4.2. remote
4.3. config
5. csync2 - cluster synchronization tool
5.1. server
5.2. node
5.3. test
5.4. Advanced Configuration
5.5. 編譯安裝
6. synctool
5. File Share
1. NFSv4
1.1. Installation
1.1.1. NFSv4 server
1.1.2. NFSv4 client
1.2. exports
1.2.1. Permission
1.2.2. Parameters
1.2.3. 實例參考
2. Samba
2.1. install
2.2. smb.conf
2.2.1. Security consideration
2.3. by Example
2.3.1. share
2.3.2. user
2.3.3. test
2.4. nmblookup - NetBIOS over TCP/IP client used to lookup NetBIOS names
2.5. smbfs/smbmount/smbumount
2.6. smbclient - ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
2.6.1. 顯示共享目錄
2.6.2. 訪問共享資源
2.6.3. 用戶登錄
2.7. smbtar - shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly to UNIX tape drives
2.8. FAQ
2.8.1. smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1013)
6. Distributed File Systems
1. DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device)
1.1. disk and partition
1.2. Installation
1.3. configure
1.4. Starting
1.5. Using
2. Network Block Device protocol
2.1. nbd-server - Network Block Device protocol - server
2.2. nbd-client - Network Block Device protocol - client
3. GridFS
3.1. nginx-gridfs
3.2. lighttpd-gridfs
4. Moose File System
4.1. Master server installation
4.2. Backup server (metalogger) installation
4.3. Chunk servers installation
4.4. Users’ computers installation
4.5. Testing MFS
5. GlusterFS
5.1. glusterfs-server
5.2. glusterfs-client
5.3. Testing
5.4. RAID
5.4.1. Mirror
5.4.2. Strip
5.5. Filesystem Administration
5.6. CentOS 6.3
6. Lustre
7. Hadoop - HDFS
8. MogileFS
9. Ceph
9.1. install
9.1.1. Ubuntu mon mds osd client
10. Kosmos distributed file system (KFS)
11. Coda
12. OpenAFS
13. fam & imon
7. inotify
1. inotify-tools
2. Incron - cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events
3. inotify-tools + rsync
4. pyinotify
8. Network Storage - Openfiler
1. Accounts
2. Volumes
2.1. RAID
2.2. iSCSI
2.2.1. Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator
3. Quota
9. Backup / Restore
1. 備份策略
1.1. Incremental backup
1.2. Differential backup
2. Bacula, the Open Source, Enterprise ready, Network Backup Tool for Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows.
2.1. Install Backup Server
2.2. Install Backup Client
3. Amanda: Open Source Backup
4. Opendedup


8.1. Volume Group Management


4.1. examples
4.2. backup to a central backup server with 7 day incremental
4.3. backup to a spare disk
4.4. mirroring vger CVS tree
4.5. automated backup at home
4.6. Fancy footwork with remote file lists
4.7. /etc/csync2.cfg
6.1. nginx-gridfs
6.2. Mirror
6.3. Strip
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