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部分 X. Graphics


58. Gnuplot
1. terminal
2. output
3. title/xlabel/ylabel
4. xrange/yrange
5. xdata
6. plot
6.1. using
59. Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language
1. UML
60. MetaPost
61. RRDTool
1. install
2. rrdtool demo example
3. title
4. start / end
5. height / width
6. upper-limit / lower-limit
7. vertical-label
8. Data Source
9. Round Robin Archives
10.1. LINE
10.2. AREA
10.3. STACK
10.4. GPRINT
11. Example
11.1. Memory
11.2. example 1
11.3. example 1
62. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
1. Installation
1.1. Apt-get
1.2. Yum
2. The DOT Language
2.1. dot
2.2. twopi
2.3. gprof
3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
3.1. Color Names
3.2. Node Shapes
4. Example
4.1. E-R
4.2. Network
4.3. workflow
63. Chart
1. Open Flash Chart 2
2. Highcharts JS
3. amcharts
4. FiCharts
5. Google Chart Tools
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