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Netkiller Project 手札

Integrated SCM & Project Management, Version Control System

Mr. Neo Chan, 陳景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
+86 755 29812080

$Date: 2013-04-10 15:03:49 +0800 (Wed, 10 Apr 2013) $






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1. 自述
1.1. 系列文檔
1.2. 作者簡介
1.3. 寫給讀者
1.4. 文檔下載
I. 項目管理工具
1.1. 安裝
1.1.1. source code
1.1.2. easy_install
1.1.3. Apache httpd
1.2. Project Environment
1.2.1. Sqlite
1.2.2. MySQL
1.2.3. Plugin
1.3. trac.ini
1.3.1. repository
1.3.2. attachment 附件配置
1.4. trac-admin
1.4.1. adduser script
1.5. FAQ
1.5.1. TracError: Cannot load Python bindings for MySQL
1.6. Apache Bloodhound
2. GitLab
2.1. 安裝 GitLab
2.2. 組管理
2.3. 項目管理
II. Git - Fast Version Control System
4. Repositories 倉庫管理
4.1. initial setup
4.2. checkout
4.3. Creating and Commiting
4.4. Manager remote
4.5. Status
4.6. Diff
4.7. Cloning
4.8. Push
4.9. Pull
4.10. fetch
4.11. Creating a Patch
4.12. reset
5. Manipulating branches
5.1. list branches
5.2. create branches
5.3. delete branches
5.4. switch branch
5.5. git-show-branch - Show branches and their commits
6. Sharing Repositories with others
6.1. Setting up a git server
7. command
7.1. git-add - Add file contents to the index
7.2. git-status - Show the working tree status
7.3. git-commit - Record changes to the repository
7.4. git-show - Show various types of objects
7.5. git-checkout - Checkout and switch to a branch
7.5.1. checkout master
7.5.2. checkout branch
7.6. git config
8. git-daemon 伺服器
8.1. git-daemon - A really simple server for git repositories
8.2. git-daemon-sysvinit
8.3. inet.conf / xinetd 方式啟動
8.4. git-daemon-run
8.5. Testing
9. git-svn - Bidirectional operation between a single Subversion branch and git
10. .gitignore
11. gitolite - SSH-based gatekeeper for git repositories
11.1. gitolite-admin
11.1.1. gitolite.conf
12. Web Tools
12.1. viewgit
III. Subversion
13. Invoking the Server
13.1. Installing
13.1.1. CentOS
13.1.2. CentOS
13.2. standalone “daemon” process
13.2.1. starting subversion for debian/ubuntu
13.2.2. starting subversion daemon script for CentOS/Radhat
13.3. classic Unix-like inetd daemon
13.4. hooks
13.4.1. post-commit
13.5. WebDav
13.5.1. davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
14. repository 管理
14.1. create repository
14.2. user admin
14.3. authz
14.4. dump
15. 使用Subversion
15.1. Initialized empty subversion repository for project
15.2. ignore
15.3. 關鍵字替換
15.4. lock 加鎖/ unlock 解鎖
15.5. import
15.6. export 指定版本
15.7. 修訂版本關鍵字
15.8. 恢復舊版本
16. branch
16.1. create
16.2. remove
16.3. switch
16.4. merge
16.5. relocate
17. FAQ
17.1. 遞歸添加檔案
17.2. 清除項目裡的所有.svn目錄
17.3. color diff
17.4. cvs2svn
17.5. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 + WebDAV +Subversion
17.6. 指定用戶名與密碼
IV. cvs - Concurrent Versions System
18. installation
18.1. chroot
19. cvs login | logout
20. cvs import
21. cvs checkout
22. cvs update
23. cvs add
24. cvs status
25. cvs commit
26. cvs remove
27. cvs log
28. cvs annotate
29. cvs diff
30. rename file
31. revision
32. cvs export
33. cvs release
34. branch
34.1. milestone
34.2. patch branch
35. keywords
V. Miscellaneous
36. 代碼託管
36.1. sourceforge.net
36.1.1. http://netkiller.users.sourceforge.net/ 頁面
36.2. Google Code
36.3. GitHub
36.3.1. 首次操作
36.3.2. clone 已經存在的倉庫
37. GUI
37.1. TortoiseSVN
37.2. TortoiseGit


14.1. authz
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