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Netkiller CentOS 7 手札

Redhat, CentOS and Scientific Linux

Mr. Neo Chan, 陳景峰(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890
+86 755 29812080

$Id: book.xml 606 2013-05-29 09:52:58Z netkiller $




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$Date: 2013-05-29 17:52:58 +0800 (Wed, 29 May 2013) $


1. 自述
1.1. 系列文檔
1.2. 作者簡介
1.3. 寫給讀者
1.4. 文檔下載
I. System
1. Getting Started Guides
1.1. HDD Partition
1.2. Scientific Linux
1.3. Redhat Linux
1.4. CentOS 6
1.5. 5.x 減肥
1.6. 6.x Mini 安裝後需要做的一些事
2. System Utilities 配置工具
2.1. CentOS 6
2.1.1. system-config-date
2.1.2. system-config-firewall
2.1.3. system-config-securitylevel
2.1.4. system-config-language
2.1.5. system-config-keyboard
2.1.6. system-config-network
2.1.7. ntsysv
2.1.8. lokkit
2.1.9. system-config-kdump
2.1.10. system-config-services
2.1.11. authconfig-tui
2.2. nmtui
3. kickstart
3.1. install kickstart
3.2. ks.cfg
3.3. boot 參數
4. Package Manager
4.1. Yum Resource & Yum Mirror
4.1.1. Fedora resource
4.1.2. rpmforge-release
4.1.3. atomic
4.1.4. famillecollet
4.1.5. rpmfind.net
4.1.6. pkgs.org
4.1.7. China Resource
4.1.8. 製作本地共享源
4.2. yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified
4.2.1. install
4.2.2. localinstall
4.2.3. list
4.2.4. search
4.2.5. update / upgrade
4.2.6. remove
4.2.7. installed
4.2.8. group
4.2.9. 查看包的依賴關係
4.2.10. provides / whatprovides
4.2.11. YUM 源管理
4.3. rpm - RPM Package Manager
4.3.1. install/upgrade/remove
4.3.2. query
4.4. rpmbuild - Build RPM Package(s)
4.4.1. RPM_directory_macros
4.4.2. --define 專遞模板變數
4.4.4. FAQ
5. 區域設置
5.1. 時區設置 CentOS 6
5.1.1. 查看當前時區 /etc/sysconfig/clock
5.1.2. tzselect - select a timezone
5.1.3. 時區設置 CentOS 7
5.1.4. 修改時區並立即生效
5.2. 日期、時間
5.2.1. rdate - get the time via the network
5.3. 語言
6. sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user
7. Logging
8. crontab
9. Services
9.1. systemctl
9.1.1. is-enabled 查看當前服務的啟用狀態
9.1.2. 重載 systemd
9.1.3. 列出啟動失敗的服務
9.1.4. list-units
9.2. service
9.2.1. chkconfig
9.3. xinetd.d
9.3.1. tftpd
9.3.2. rsync
9.3.3. rshd
9.4. rpcinfo
10. File System
10.1. EXT4
10.1.1. install
10.1.2. format
10.1.3. label
10.1.4. mount/umount
10.1.5. LVM 卷
10.2. LVM
10.3. zfs
10.4. btrfs
10.4.1. Mount Btrfs
10.4.2. Snapshots and subvolumes (快照與子卷管理)
10.4.3. btrfsctl
10.4.4. btrfs-vol
10.4.5. btrfs-convert
10.4.6. btrfsck
10.4.7. btrfs-debug-tree
10.5. iSCSI
10.5.1. GFS
10.6. GFS - Cluster Storage
10.7. glusterfs
II. Network
11. IP Address
11.1. Gateway
11.2. hosts
11.2.1. hostnamectl - Control the system hostname
11.3. bonding
11.4. brctl
12. Firewall
12.1. firewalld
12.1.1. firewall-cmd
12.2. 如果你不習慣使用firewalld想用回Iptables
13. INND
14. Piranha - Cluster administation tools
14.1. install
14.2. configure
14.3. real server
14.4. Example
14.4.1. Master
14.4.2. Slave
14.4.3. MySQL
15. NFS
15.1. NFS Server Configuration
15.1.1. NFS 防火牆配置
15.2. NFS Client Configuration
15.2.1. Using NFS over UDP
15.3. NFS For Windows
15.4. exportfs - maintain table of exported NFS file systems
16. Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
16.1. ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
16.2. ntp client
17. openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon.
18. vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon
19. Samba
20. Memcache
20.1. source code
20.2. yum install
21. radiusd - Authentication, Authorization and Accounting server
21.1. 安裝 radiusd
21.2. 802.1
22. Services
22.1. systemctl
22.1.1. is-enabled 查看當前服務的啟用狀態
22.1.2. 重載 systemd
22.1.3. 列出啟動失敗的服務
22.1.4. list-units
22.2. service
22.2.1. chkconfig
22.3. xinetd.d
22.3.1. tftpd atftp-server
22.3.2. rsync
22.3.3. rshd
22.4. rpcinfo
23. 設備管理
23.1. CPU 資源管理
23.1.1. lscpu - display information about the CPU architecture
23.1.2. chcpu - configure CPUs
24. Web Server
24.1. Apache httpd
24.1.1. Install
24.1.2. Uninstall
24.1.3. Configure Apache MySQL
24.1.4. Starting
24.1.5. FAQ compile php
24.2. Nginx
24.2.1. install nginx spawn-fcgi script php-fpm fastcgi backend
25. IBM WebSphere
25.1. WebSphere Commerce Engerprise 7.0
25.2. UpdateInstaller (AppServer, Plugins, IBMIHS)
25.2.1. WAS
25.2.2. Plugins
25.2.3. IHS
25.2.4. backup
25.3. UpdateInstaller (CommerceServer70)
25.4. WebSphere Commerce Engerprise 7.0 Feature Pack 2.iso
25.5. creating a WebSphere Commerce instance
25.6. enableFeature
25.6.1. foundation
25.6.2. management-center
25.6.3. store-enhancements
25.6.4. checkEnablementStatus
25.6.5. check version
25.7. Start IBMIHS and AppServer
25.7.1. IBMIHS
25.7.2. AppServer
25.7.3. Starting and stopping the WebSphere Commerce Information Center
25.7.4. 管理入口
25.8. Initialization store
26. MySQL
26.1. Installation
26.2. create database and user
27. Teamwork
27.1. Subversion
27.1.1. classic Unix-like xinetd daemon
27.1.2. WebDav
27.1.3. 項目目錄結構
27.2. Trac
27.2.1. trac.ini
27.2.2. standalone
27.2.3. Using Authentication
27.2.4. trac-admin Permissions Resync
27.3. Browser interface for CVS and SVN version control repositories
III. Virtualization
28. Xen
28.1. install
28.2. Manager
29. KVM
29.1. kvm install usage yum
29.1.1. brctl / tunctl
29.1.2. virt-install
29.2. Ubuntu
29.3. CentOS 6.2
29.4. Scientific Linux Virtualization
29.5. libvirt
29.5.1. virsh
29.5.2. Virtual Machine Manager
29.6. FAQ
29.6.1. No hypervisor options were found for this connection
29.6.2. 如何判斷當前伺服器是實體機還是虛擬機
30. OpenVZ
30.1. 安裝OpenVZ
30.2. 使用OpenVZ & 建立VPS
30.2.1. 安裝操作系統模板
30.2.2. 創建OpenVZ操作系統節點(VPS)
30.3. 設置VPS參數
31. 虛擬機界面
31.1. OpenStack
31.2. CloudStack
31.3. OpenNode
31.4. OpenNEbula
IV. Monitor
32. Munin
32.1. 用戶認證
32.2. munin-node and plugins
32.2.1. munin-node.conf
32.2.2. mysql plugin
32.2.3. apache plugin
32.2.4. memcached plugin
32.3. munin.conf
32.4. munin-node
32.4.1. munin-node.conf
33. MRTG
33.1. 監控多個設備
33.2. 批量生成監控配置檔案
33.3. 圖片尺寸
34. smartd - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon
35. snmpd - daemon to respond to SNMP request packets.
36. cacti
37. Nagios
37.1. nagios
37.2. plugins
37.2.1. nrpe plugins
37.3. nrpe node
V. X Windows
38. Fonts 字型
39. VNC
40. gparted
1. 附錄
1.1. Redhat Doc
1.2. System reduce


1.1. Linux server partition
1.2. Linux desktop partition


14.1. piranha master
14.2. piranha slave
29.1. virsh
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