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第 155 章 Puppet


155.1. Installing Puppet CentOS 6.3
155.2. Puppet 簽名
155.2.1. Agent 節點
155.2.2. Master 伺服器
155.3. test
155.3.1. Master
155.3.2. Agent
155.4. 配置檔案
155.4.1. /etc/sysconfig/puppet
155.4.2. /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf
155.5. manifests
155.5.1. node
155.5.2. group, user 用戶組管理 group user
155.5.3. file ensure source owner, group, mode
155.5.4. package
155.5.5. service
155.5.6. exec
155.5.7. cron
155.6. modules
155.7. firewall 配置
155.8. debug
155.8.1. master
155.8.2. node
155.9. FAQ
155.9.1. err: Could not request certificate: No route to host - connect(2)
155.9.2. No help available unless you have RDoc::usage installed


Puppet is the leading open source platform for IT systems management

155.1. Installing Puppet CentOS 6.3

Choose a Package Source http://yum.puppetlabs.com/

# rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
# lokkit --disabled --selinux=disabled

Install the Puppet Master

yum install puppet-server -y
service puppetmaster start

chkconfig puppetmaster on

Install Puppet on Agent Nodes

yum install puppet -y
service puppet start

chkconfig puppet on