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部分 VII. Monitoring


79. System Infomation
1. Cpu Bit
80. shutdown
81. Profile
1. shell
82. Introduction
1. Distribution Version
2. Distribution information
3. Linux Installation
3.1. HDD Partition
83. Kernel
84. Package Management
1. apt-cache
1.1. search
1.2. depends
1.3. policy
2. Apt-Get
2.1. Search
2.2. Installation
2.3. Update
2.4. Remove
3. aptitude
4. Automatic Updates
5. dpkg
5.1. -i|--install 安裝.deb包
5.2. -r|--remove 卸載.deb包
5.3. -L|--listfiles <package> ... List files `owned' by package(s). 列出包中的檔案
5.4. -l|--list [<pattern> ...] List packages concisely. 列出.deb包
5.5. Status
5.6. dpkg-deb - Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
5.6.1. -X, --vextract archive directory Extract and display the filenames contained by a package
5.6.2. -e, --control archive [directory] Extracts the control information files from a package archive into the specified directory.
5.6.3. -b, --build directory [archive|directory]
5.7. dpkg-reconfigure
6. Upgrading
6.1. GUI
6.2. CLI
6.3. CDROM
7. 製作.deb安裝包
7.1. checkinstall — Track installation of local software, and produce a binary manageable with your package management software.
7.2. dh_make - prepare Debian packaging for an original source archive
7.3. control
85. Device information
1. dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer
2. smartctl - Control and Monitor Utility for SMART Disks
3. lspci - list all PCI devices
4. dmidecode - DMI table decoder
5. ethtool - Display or change ethernet card settings
6. usb device
8. HBA
9. kudzu - detects and configures new and/or changed hardware on a system
86. udev - Linux dynamic device management
87. Kernel modules
1. modprobe - program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
88. Locale
1. time zone
2. to change system date/time
2.1. NTP Server
3. Language
89. console / terminal
1. serial console
2. console timeout
3. TUI (Text User Interface)
4. framebuffer
90. Harddisk
1. 查看分區分區 UUID
2. Label
2.1. Ext2
2.1.1. 查看卷標
2.1.2. 更改卷標
3. 臨時增加 swap 分區
4. Show partition
5. Create partition
6. Clone partition
7. Format partition
7.1. ext3
7.2. ReiserFS
8. estimate disk / directory / file space usage
9. Convert from ext3 to ext4 File system
10. GPT
10.1. 查看分區
10.2. 創建分區
10.3. 退出
10.4. mount
11. loop devices
11.1. losetup - set up and control loop devices
91. Removable Storage
1. usb flash
2. CD / DVD
2.1. Mount an ISO file
2.2. create iso file from CD
2.3. burner
2.4. ISO Mirror
92. File System
1. Mount partition
1.1. Mount
1.2. Umount
1.3. bind directory
1.4. /etc/fstab
3. tmpfs
4. ftp fs
5. SSHFS (sshfs - filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol)
6. davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
7. File system test
7.1. ext4 vs btrfs
7.2. xfs vs jfs vs reiserfs
7.3. RAID10 (146G*8) vs EMC VNX 5300 (8G Fibre Channel)
7.4. Dell 2950(RAID5 500G SATA * 6) vs MD1200
93. Networking
1. Hostname
1.1. /etc/hostname
1.2. /etc/host.conf
1.3. /etc/hosts
1.4. hosts.allow / hosts.deny
1.5. /etc/resolv.conf
2. Network adapter
3. Ethernet Interfaces
3.1. ifquery
3.2. DHCP
3.3. Static IP
4. Mask
5. Gateway
6. Configuring Name Server Lookups
7. sysctl
8. bonding
8.1. Ubuntu
9. Finding optimal MTU
10. 介面名稱
94. Logging
1. syslog, klogctl - read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set console_loglevel
1.1. /etc/sysconfig/syslog
1.2. /etc/syslog.conf
1.3. logger
1.4. To Log Messages Over UDP Network
2. logrotate - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
2.1. /etc/logrotate.conf
2.2. /etc/logrotate.d/
2.2.1. apache2
2.2.2. mysql
2.2.3. cacti
3. remote syslog
3.1. syslog-ng
3.2. rsyslog
95. Service
1. update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links
2. invoke-rc.d - executes System-V style init script actions
3. runlevel
4. sysv-rc-conf
5. xinetd - replacement for inetd with many enhancements
5.1. tftpd
6. Scheduled Tasks
6.1. crontab - maintain crontab files for individual users
6.2. at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
7. sv - control and manage services monitored by runsv
7.1. runsv
7.2. runsvdir
96. Process
1. top - display Linux tasks
2. ps - report a snapshot of the current processes
2.1. ps axef
2.2. ps -eo pid,cmd
2.3. ps jax
2.4. zombie process
3. mpstat
4. pstree - display a tree of processes
5. pid
5.1. pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
5.2. pidof -- find the process ID of a running program.
6. jobs
6.1. &
6.2. Ctrl + Z
6.3. jobs
6.4. fg / bg
6.5. nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
7. ionice - get/set program io scheduling class and priority
97. Authentication
1. User
1.1. Add a new user
1.2. remove an existed user
1.3. usermod - modify a user account
1.4. lock / unlock
1.4.1. /etc/passwd
2. Group
2.1. Add a new group
2.2. Add a user to the group
2.3. /etc/group
98. Permission
1. umask
2. Access Permissions
2.1. chown - change file owner and group
2.2. chgrp - change group ownership
2.3. chmod - change file access permissions
3. chattr - change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
4. su - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
5. sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user
5.2. 允許或禁止命令
5.3. Cmnd_Alias 用法
6. ACL - Access Control List
6.1. getfacl - get file access control lists
6.2. setfacl - set file access control lists
6.2.1. set
6.2.2. default
6.2.3. remove
6.3. backup and restore
99. Network Management Software & Network Monitoring
1. Webmin
1.1. webalizer
2. Mrtg
3. Cacti
3.1. Install Cacti for Ubuntu
3.2. Source Install
3.3. Template
4. Nagios
4.1. Install Nagios
4.2. 配置 Nagios
4.2.1. authorized
4.2.2. contacts
4.2.3. hostgroups
4.2.4. generic-service
4.2.6. SMS 短信
4.3. 配置監控設備
4.3.1. routers
4.3.2. hosts / service http mysql hosts
4.4. Monitor Client nrpe
4.4.1. Nagios3 nrpe plugins
4.4.2. nagios-nrpe-server
4.5. Monitoring Windows Machines
4.5.1. NSClient++
4.5.2. check_nt
4.5.3. Enable Password Protection
4.6. Nagios Plugins
4.6.1. http.cfg check_http
4.6.2. mysql.cfg check_mysql mysql.cfg check_mysql_replication nrpe.cfg check_mysql_replication
4.6.3. Disk disk.cfg check_disk disk-smb.cfg
4.6.4. tcp_udp.cfg check_tcp Memcache
4.6.5. check_ping
4.7. PNP4Nagios
5. Munin
5.1. Installation Monitor Server
5.2. Installation Node
5.3. Additional Plugins
5.4. plugins
5.4.1. mysql
5.4.2. apache
6. Zabbix
6.1. Installing and Configuring Zabbix
6.2. web ui
6.3. zabbix-agent
7. Ganglia
7.1. Server
7.2. Client
7.3. Plugin
7.4. Installing Ganglia on Centos
8. lvs-rrd
9. Ntop
9.1. Installation
9.1.1. Ubuntu
9.1.2. CentOS
9.2. Web UI
9.3. Plugins
9.3.1. NetFlow
10. Observium
10.1. Installation
11. OpenTSDB
12. Bandwidth
12.1. apt-get install
12.2. CentOS rpm/yum
12.3. source code
12.4. /etc/bandwidthd.conf
14. OpenNMS
15. Performance Co-Pilot
16. Clumon Performance Monitor
17. Zenoss
18. 商業軟件
19. Hyperic HQ
20. OSSIM,Spiceworks,FireGen,LANSweeper,OSSEC,HIDS
21. Graphite
100. LAMP
1. Install
1.1. Quick install apache with aptitude
1.1.1. command
1.1.2. rewrite module
1.1.3. PHP module
1.1.4. deflate module
1.1.5. ssl module
1.1.6. VirtualHost
1.1.7. ~userdir module - /public_html
1.2. PHP 5
1.3. Compile and then install Apache
1.3.1. Apache 安裝與配置
1.3.2. 優化編譯條件
1.3.3. PHP
1.3.4. Automation Installing
1.4. XAMPP
1.4.1. XAMPP for Linux
1.4.2. php5
2. Module
2.1. Output a list of modules compiled into the server.
2.2. Core
2.2.1. Listen
2.2.2. Filesystem and Webspace Options
2.2.3. Etag
2.2.4. 隱藏 Apache 版本信息
2.3. worker
2.4. Apache Log
2.4.1. LogLevel
2.4.2. LogFormat
2.4.3. Compressed
2.4.4. rotatelogs - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
2.4.5. cronolog
2.4.6. 日誌合併
2.4.7. 日誌歸檔
2.4.8. logger
2.4.9. other
2.5. mod_access
2.6. VirtualHost
2.6.1. ServerName/ServerAlias
2.6.2. rotatelogs
2.7. Alias / AliasMatch
2.8. Redirect / RedirectMatch
2.9. Rewrite
2.9.1. R=301
2.9.2. Rewrite + JkMount
2.9.3. Apache redirect domain.com to www.domain.com
2.9.4. 正則匹配副檔名
2.10. Proxy
2.10.1. Reverse proxy
2.11. Deflate
2.11.1. 測試 gzip,deflate 模組
2.12. Expires
2.13. Cache
2.13.1. mod_disk_cache
2.13.2. mod_mem_cache
2.14. usertrack
2.15. Charset
2.16. Dir
2.17. Includes
2.18. Apache Status
2.19. Mod Perl
2.20. mod_pagespeed -
2.21. Module FAQ
2.22. mod_setenvif
2.23. PHP 程序安全問題 php_admin_value
3. 設置Apache實現防盜連
4. Error Prompt
4.1. Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
4.2. Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
101. Lighttpd
1. 安裝Lighttpd
1.1. quick install with aptitude
1.2. yum install
1.3. to compile and then install lighttpd
1.3.1. shell script
2. /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
2.1. max-worker / max-fds
2.2. accesslog.filename
2.3. ETags
2.4. server.tag
3. Module
3.1. simple_vhost
3.2. ssl
3.3. redirect
3.4. rewrite
3.4.1. Lighttpd Rewrite QSA
3.5. alias
3.6. auth
3.7. compress
3.8. expire
3.9. status
3.10. setenv
3.10.1. Automatic Decompression
3.11. fastcgi
3.11.1. enable fastcgi spawn-fcgi php-fpm
3.11.2. PHP 編譯安裝PHP apt-get install
3.11.3. Python Django Python Imaging Library
3.11.4. Perl Installing lighttpd and FastCGI for Catalyst
3.11.5. Ruby
3.12. user-agent
4. 其他模組
4.1. mod_secdownload 防盜鏈
5. Example
5.1. s-maxage
102. Nginx
1. Installing
1.1. Installing by apt-get under the debain/ubuntu
1.2. CentOS
1.3. installing by source
1.4. config test
1.5. rotate log
1.5.1. log shell
1.5.2. /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
2. fastcgi
2.1. spawn-fcgi
2.2. php-fpm
2.2.1. php5-fpm
2.2.2. 編譯 php-fpm
3. worker_processes
4. events
5. http 配置
5.1. X-Forwarded-For
5.2. server
5.2.1. VirtualHost (虛擬主機)
5.2.2. location
5.2.3. ssl
5.3. expires
5.4. access
5.5. auth_basic
5.6. autoindex
5.7. ssi
5.8. rewrite
5.9. gzip
5.10. Cache
5.11. stub_status
5.12. server_tokens
5.13. add_header
5.13.1. Access-Control-Allow
5.14. valid_referers
6. Proxy
6.1. request_filename + proxy_pass
6.2. proxy_cache
6.3. proxy_cache
6.4. expires
6.5. FAQ
7. 可用的全局變數
7.1. http_user_agent
7.1.1. 禁止非瀏覽器訪問
7.2. request_filename
103. Tomcat 安裝與配置
1. 安裝Tomcat
1.1. install java
1.2. install tomcat
1.2.1. tomcat-native
1.3. 同時運行多實例
1.4. Connector
1.4.1. server.xml
1.4.2. mod_jk
1.4.3. mod_proxy_ajp
1.4.4. RewriteEngine 連接 Tomcat
1.5. Testing file
2. 配置 Tomcat 伺服器
2.1. server.xml
2.1.1. compression
2.1.2. useBodyEncodingForURI
2.1.3. HTTPS
2.1.4. 隱藏Tomcat版本信息
2.1.5. vhost
2.1.6. access_log
2.2. tomcat-users.xml
2.3. logging.properties
3. Init.d Script
3.1. Script 1
3.2. Shell Script 2
104. Resin
1. 安裝Resin
1.1. 直接使用
1.2. Debian/Ubuntu
1.3. 源碼安裝Resin
2. Compiling mod_caucho.so
3. resin.conf
3.1. Maximum number of threads
3.2. Configures the keepalive
3.3. ssl
4. virtual hosts
4.1. explicit host
4.2. regexp host
4.3. host-alias
4.4. configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts
4.5. Resources
5. FAQ
5.1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
105. Application Server
1. Zope
2. JBoss - JBoss Enterprise Middleware
106. Search Engine
1. Solr
1.1. Embedded Jetty
1.2. Jetty
1.3. Tomcat
1.4. solr-php-client
1.5. multicore
1.6. 中文分詞
1.6.1. ChineseTokenizerFactory
1.6.2. CJK
1.6.3. mmseg4j
1.6.4. 中文分詞“庖丁解牛” Paoding Analysis
2. Nutch
3. Lucene
4. MG4J
5. PhpDig
6. Sphinx
7. Mahout
8. elasticsearch
107. Web Server Optimization
1. ulimit
1.1. open files
2. Memcached
2.1. 編譯安裝
2.2. debian/ubuntu
3. khttpd
4. php.ini
4.1. Resource Limits
4.2. File Uploads
4.3. Session Shared
5. APC Cache (php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5)
6. Zend Optimizer
7. eaccelerator
108. varnish - a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
1. Varnish Install
2. varnish utility
2.1. status
2.2. varnishadm
2.2.1. 清除緩存
2.3. varnishtop
2.4. varnishhist
2.5. varnishsizes
3. log file
4. Varnish Configuration Language - VCL
4.1. unset / set
5. example
109. Traffic Server
1. Install
2. Configure
110. Cherokee
1. Installing Cherokee
111. Jetty
112. Other Web Server
1. Python SimpleHTTPServer
113. web 伺服器排名
1. HTTP狀態碼
114. SMS
1. gnokii
2. AT Commands
115. IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
1. OpenIPMI
2. freeipmi
2.1. ipmiping
2.2. ipmimonitoring
2.3. ipmi-sensors
2.4. ipmi-locate
3. ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
3.1. ipmitool
3.1.1. ubuntu
3.1.2. CentOS
3.2. sensor
3.3. ipmitool shell
3.4. ipmitool 訪問遠程主機
3.5. Get chassis status and set power state
3.6. Configure Management Controller
3.6.1. Management Controller status and global enables
3.6.2. Configure LAN Channels
3.6.3. Configure Management Controller users
3.6.4. Configure Management Controller channels
3.7. Example for iDRAC
3.7.1. 更改IP地址,子網掩碼與網關
3.7.2. 更改 iDRAC LCD 顯示屏
3.7.3. 更改 iDRAC 密碼
3.7.4. 關機/開機
116. NetFlow
1. flow-tools - collects and processes NetFlow data
1.1. flow-capture
2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
2.1. netams-web
117. Logs 分析
1. rinetd.log
2. php-syslog-ng
3. Log Analyzer
4. Splunk
5. logstash - open source log management
118. JVM
1. jconsole
2. jHiccup
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