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6. davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system


$ sudo apt-get install davfs2

mount a webdav to directory

$ sudo mount.davfs https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller /mnt/davfs/
Please enter the username to authenticate with server
https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller or hit enter for none.
Username: svn
Please enter the password to authenticate user svn with server
https://opensvn.csie.org/netkiller or hit enter for none.
mount.davfs: the server certificate is not trusted
  issuer:      CSIE.org, CSIE.org, Taipei, Taiwan, TW
  subject:     CSIE.org, CSIE.org, Taipei, TW
  identity:    *.csie.org
  fingerprint: e6:05:eb:fb:69:5d:25:4e:11:3c:83:e8:7c:44:ee:bf:a9:85:a3:64
You only should accept this certificate, if you can
verify the fingerprint! The server might be faked
or there might be a man-in-the-middle-attack.
Accept certificate for this session? [y,N] y


$ ls davfs/
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