知乎專欄 | 多維度架構 | 微信號 netkiller-ebook | QQ群:128659835 請註明“讀者” |
chmod +x jdk-6u1-linux-i586.bin ./jdk-6u1-linux-i586.bin 輸入"yes"回車 mv jdk1.6.0_01 /usr/local/ ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_01/ /usr/local/java
例 46.1. /etc/profile.d/java.sh
################################################ ### Java environment ################################################ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java export JRE_HOME=/usr/local/java/jre export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/java/bin:/usr/local/java/jre/bin export CLASSPATH="./:/usr/local/java/lib:/usr/local/java/jre/lib:/usr/local/memcached/api/java" export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m"
wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-6/v6.0.13/bin/apache-tomcat-6.0.13.tar.gz wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/native/tomcat-native-1.1.10-src.tar.gz wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/source/jk-1.2.23/tomcat-connectors-1.2.23-src.tar.gz
tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.13.tar.gz mv apache-tomcat-6.0.13 /usr/local/ ln -s /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.13/ /usr/local/tomcat
tar zxvf tomcat-native-1.1.10-src.tar.gz cd tomcat-native-1.1.10-src/jni/native ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apache/bin/apr-1-config --with-java-home=/usr/local/java/ make make install
CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/usr/local/apr/lib" JAVA_OPTS="-Xss128k -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m"
cd /usr/local/tomcat-6.0.18/bin tar zxvf tomcat-native.tar.gz cd tomcat-native-1.1.14-src/jni/native ./configure --with-apr=/usr/local/apr --with-java-home=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_11 make && make install
例 46.2. /etc/init.d/tomcat
# cat /etc/init.d/tomcat #!/bin/bash # description: Tomcat Start Stop Restart # processname: tomcat # chkconfig: 234 20 80 JAVA_HOME=/srv/java CATALINA_HOME=/srv/apache-tomcat # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions # Source networking configuration. . /etc/sysconfig/network if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/tomcat ]; then . /etc/sysconfig/tomcat fi prog=tomcat lockfile=/var/lock/subsys/$prog pidfile=${PIDFILE-/var/run/$prog.pid} lockfile=${LOCKFILE-/var/lock/subsys/$prog} RETVAL=0 OPTIONS="--pidfile=${pidfile}" start(){ # Start daemons. echo -n $"Starting $prog: " #daemon $prog $OPTIONS $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $lockfile return $RETVAL } stop() { echo -n $"Stopping $prog: " # killproc -p ${pidfile} -d 10 $httpd $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL = 0 ] && rm -f ${lockfile} ${pidfile} } case $1 in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) start stop ;; esac exit 0
創建 /etc/init.d/tomcat 檔案,複製並粘貼上面的啟動腳本
vim /etc/init.d/tomcat chmod +x /etc/init.d/tomcat chkconfig --add tomcat chkconfig --level 234 tomcat on chkconfig --list tomcat
安裝 Server JRE
cd /usr/local/src/ tar zxvf server-jre-7u21-linux-x64.gz mv jdk1.7.0_21 /srv/ ln -s /srv/jdk1.7.0_21 /srv/java
curl -sS https://raw.github.com/netkiller/shell/master/java/server-jre.sh | bash
cd /usr/local/src/ wget http://ftp.cuhk.edu.hk/pub/packages/apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.40/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.40.tar.gz tar zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.40.tar.gz mv apache-tomcat-7.0.40 /srv/ ln -s /srv/apache-tomcat-7.0.40 /srv/apache-tomcat rm -rf /srv/apache-tomcat/webapps/* cat > /srv/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh <<'EOF' export JAVA_HOME=/srv/java export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms512m -Xmx8192m -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" export CATALINA_HOME=/srv/apache-tomcat export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib:$CATALINA_HOME/lib: export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$CATALINA_HOME/bin: EOF cp /srv/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml{,.original} groupadd -g 80 www adduser -o --home /srv --uid 80 --gid 80 -c "Web Application" www chown www:www -R /srv/* su - www -c "/srv/apache-tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
curl -sS https://raw.github.com/netkiller/shell/master/apache/tomcat/install.sh | bash
安裝Java 8
cd /usr/local/src/ tar zxf server-jre-8u20-linux-x64.gz mv jdk1.8.0_20 /srv/ ln -s /srv/jdk1.8.0_20 /srv/java cat >> /etc/profile.d/java.sh <<'EOF' export JAVA_HOME=/srv/java export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms512m -Xmx8192m" export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib:$CATALINA_HOME/lib: export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$CATALINA_HOME/bin: EOF
![]() | 注意 |
Java 8 取消了 PermSize 與 MaxPermSize 配置項" |
cd /usr/local/src/ wget http://ftp.cuhk.edu.hk/pub/packages/apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-8/v8.0.12/bin/apache-tomcat-8.0.12.tar.gz tar zxf apache-tomcat-8.0.12.tar.gz mv apache-tomcat-8.0.12 /srv/ ln -s /srv/apache-tomcat-8.0.12 /srv/apache-tomcat rm -rf /srv/apache-tomcat/webapps/* cp /srv/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml{,.original} cat > /srv/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh <<'EOF' export JAVA_HOME=/srv/java export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms512m -Xmx8192m" export CATALINA_HOME=/srv/apache-tomcat export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib:$CATALINA_HOME/lib:/srv/IngrianJCE/lib/ext/IngrianNAE-5.1.1.jar export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$CATALINA_HOME/bin: EOF
啟動 Tomcat
groupadd -g 80 www adduser -o --home /www --uid 80 --gid 80 -c "Web Application" www chown www:www -R /srv/apache-tomcat-* su - www -c "/srv/apache-tomcat/bin/startup.sh"
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/web/tomcat/systemctl.sh | bash
$ git clone https://github.com/chexagon/redis-session-manager.git $ cd redis-session-manager/ $ mvn package $ ls target/redis-session-manager-with-dependencies-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar redis-session-manager-with-dependencies-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar $ cp target/redis-session-manager-with-dependencies-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /srv/apache-tomcat/apache-tomcat-8.5.11/lib/
如果Redis是 配置 conf/context.xml 加入下面一行,
<Manager className="com.crimsonhexagon.rsm.redisson.SingleServerSessionManager" />
<Manager className="com.crimsonhexagon.rsm.redisson.SingleServerSessionManager" endpoint="localhost:6379" sessionKeyPrefix="JSESSIONID::" saveOnChange="false" forceSaveAfterRequest="false" dirtyOnMutation="false" ignorePattern=".*\\.(ico|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js)$" connectionPoolSize="100" database="16" password="yourpassword" timeout="60000" pingTimeout="1000" retryAttempts="20" retryInterval="1000" />
例 46.3. Example /srv/apache-tomcat/conf
cat context.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for each web application --> <Context> <!-- Default set of monitored resources. If one of these changes, the --> <!-- web application will be reloaded. --> <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource> <WatchedResource>${catalina.base}/conf/web.xml</WatchedResource> <!-- Uncomment this to disable session persistence across Tomcat restarts --> <!-- <Manager pathname="" /> --> <Manager className="com.crimsonhexagon.rsm.redisson.SingleServerSessionManager" endpoint="localhost:6379" sessionKeyPrefix="JSESSIONID" saveOnChange="false" forceSaveAfterRequest="false" dirtyOnMutation="false" ignorePattern=".*\\.(ico|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js)$" connectionPoolSize="100" database="0" password="" timeout="60000" pingTimeout="1000" retryAttempts="20" retryInterval="1000" /> </Context>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>set session</title> </head> <body> <%= session.getId() %> <% session.setAttribute("neo", "netkiller"); %> </body> </html>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>get session</title> </head> <body> <%= session.getId() %> <br/> <br/> <%=(String)session.getAttribute("neo")%> </body> </html>
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
80 跳轉 8080 方案
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
iptables -t nat -L
例 46.4. tomcat firewall
下面是完整的例子,僅供參考,複製到 /etc/sysconfig/iptables 檔案中,重啟iptables即可生效。
# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Mon Jul 22 15:58:35 2013 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [7:847] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 COMMIT # Completed on Mon Jul 22 15:58:35 2013 # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Mon Jul 22 15:58:35 2013 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [42303:3464247] -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited COMMIT # Completed on Mon Jul 22 15:58:35 2013
mkdir /srv/apache-tomcat
tar zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.x.tar.gz mv apache-tomcat-7.0.x /srv/apache-tomcat/8080 tar zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.x.tar.gz mv apache-tomcat-7.0.x /srv/apache-tomcat/9090
修改 Server port="8006" 與 Connector port="9090"連接埠,不要出現重複。
<Server port="8006" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"> <Connector port="9090" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" /> <!-- <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" /> -->
vim webapps/ROOT/index.jsp<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>helloworld!</title> </head> <body> <h1> <%="It works!"%> </h1> <% out.println("<h3>Hello World!</h3>"); %> <hr /> <%=new java.util.Date()%> </body> </html>
$ curl <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>helloworld!</title> </head> <body> <h1> It works! </h1> <h3>Hello World!</h3> <hr /> Mon Jul 22 16:41:46 HKT 2013 </body> </html>
mod_jk 安裝
tar zxvf tomcat-connectors-1.2.23-src.tar.gz cd tomcat-connectors-1.2.23-src/native/ ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs make make install chmod 755 /usr/local/apache/modules/mod_jk.so
httpd.conf 尾部加入
Include conf/mod_jk.conf
apache/conf/workers.properties# Define 1 real worker using ajp13 worker.list=worker1 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13) worker.worker1.type=ajp13 worker.worker1.host= worker.worker1.port=8009 worker.worker1.lbfactor=1 worker.worker1.cachesize=128 worker.worker1.cache_timeout=600 worker.worker1.socket_keepalive=1 worker.worker1.reclycle_timeout=300
apache/conf/mod_jk.conf[chenjingfeng@d3010 Includes]$ cat mod_jk.conf <IfModule mod_jk.c> # Load mod_jk module LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so # Where to find workers.properties JkWorkersFile /usr/local/apache/conf/workers.properties # Where to put jk logs JkLogFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info] JkLogLevel error # Select the log format JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] " # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE, JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T" JkShmFile /usr/local/apache2/logs/mod_jk.shm # Send jsp,servlet for context * to worker named worker1 JkMount /status/* worker1 JkMount /*.jsp worker1 JkMount /*.jsps worker1 JkMount /*.do worker1 JkMount /*Servlet worker1 JkMount /jk/* worker1 </IfModule>
# vi conf/httpd.conf# Virtual hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
# vi conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName netkiller.8800.org ProxyPass /images ! ProxyPass /css ! ProxyPass /js ! ProxyPass /ajp ajp://localhost:8009/ajp ProxyPassReverse /ajp ajp://localhost:8009/ajp </VirtualHost>
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so ProxyPass /admin balancer://tomcatcluster/admin lbmethod=byrequests stickysession=JSESSIONID nofailover=Off timeout=5 maxattempts=3 ProxyPassReverse /admin balancer://tomcatcluster/admin <Proxy balancer://tomcatcluster> BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8009 route=web1 BalancerMember ajp://localhost:10009 smax=10 route=web2 BalancerMember ajp://localhost:11009 route=web3 BalancerMember ajp://localhost:12009 smax=10 route=web4 </Proxy>
RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.*) ajp://localhost:8009/ajp/$1 [P] RewriteRule ^/(.*\.(jsp|do|sevlet)) ajp://localhost:8009/ajp/$1 [P]
首先我並不建議使用 tomcat 實現SSL雙向驗證,這個工作可以交給 Web 伺服器完成。但有些場景可能需要,可以參考下面例子。
keytool -genkey -v -alias serverKey -dname "CN=localhost" -keyalg RSA -keypass xxxxxx -keystore server.ks -storepass xxxxxx
keytool -genkey -v -alias clientKey -dname "CN=SomeOne" -keyalg RSA -keypass xxxxxx -keystore client.p12 -storepass xxxxxx -storetype PKCS12 keytool -export -alias clientKey -file clientKey.cer -keystore client.p12 -storepass xxxxxx -storetype PKCS12
keytool -import -v -alias clientKey -file clientKey.cer -keystore server.ks -storepass xxxxxx
如果希望在 Windows 瀏覽器中訪問,下導入證書方式,雙擊 client.p12 檔案,安裝提示導入
配置 Tomcat ,編輯 server.xml 檔案
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="1024" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="true" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="server.ks" keystorePass="xxxxxx" truststoreFile="server.ks " truststorePass="xxxxxx" />