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第 4 章 Hypertable


1. Hypertable 安裝
1.1. Hypertable standalone 單機安裝
1.2. Hypertable on HDFS(hadoop) 安裝
1.3. MapR
1.4. ThriftBroker
1.5. 檢驗安裝
2. Code examples
2.1. PHP
3. HQL
3.1. namespace 命名空間管理
3.2. Table 表


1. Hypertable 安裝

1.1. Hypertable standalone 單機安裝

過程 4.1. Hypertable standalone 安裝過程

  1. 安裝 Hypertable 軟件包

    # cd /usr/local/src/
    # wget http://cdn.hypertable.com/packages/
  2. 安裝 Hypertable, 我個人比較喜歡用yum localinstall他會解決軟件之間的依賴關係

    # yum localinstall hypertable-


    Dependencies Resolved
     Package                       Arch          Version                  Repository                               Size
     hypertable                    x86_64                /hypertable-        288 M
    Installing for dependencies:
     mailcap                       noarch        2.1.31-2.el6             base                                     27 k
     perl-Bit-Vector               x86_64        7.1-2.el6                base                                    169 k
     perl-Carp-Clan                noarch        6.03-2.el6               base                                     25 k
     perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib        x86_64        1:2.020-127.el6          base                                     68 k
     perl-Compress-Zlib            x86_64        2.020-127.el6            base                                     43 k
     perl-HTML-Parser              x86_64        3.64-2.el6               base                                    109 k
     perl-HTML-Tagset              noarch        3.20-4.el6               base                                     17 k
     perl-IO-Compress-Base         x86_64        2.020-127.el6            base                                     67 k
     perl-IO-Compress-Zlib         x86_64        2.020-127.el6            base                                    134 k
     perl-IO-String                noarch        1.08-9.el6               base                                     15 k
     perl-URI                      noarch        1.40-2.el6               base                                    117 k
     perl-libwww-perl              noarch        5.833-2.el6              base                                    387 k
    Transaction Summary
    Install      13 Package(s)
  3. Hypertable 預設安裝在 /opt/hypertable/


    # cd /opt/hypertable/
    # cp hypertable.cfg hypertable.cfg.original
  4. FHS-IZE 安裝

    # bin/fhsize.sh
    Setting up /var/opt/hypertable
    Setting up /etc/opt/hypertable
    fshize /opt/hypertable/  success
  5. 設計 "CURRENT" 連接

    # cd /opt/hypertable
    # ln -s current
  6. 安裝 notification-hook.sh 腳本.

    # cp conf/notification-hook.tmpl conf/notification-hook.sh
    # chmod o+x conf/notification-hook.sh

    測試 notification-hook.sh腳本 .

    /opt/hypertable/current/conf/notification-hook.sh "Test Message" "This is a test."
  7. 啟動 hypertable

    # /opt/hypertable/current/bin/start-all-servers.sh local
    DFS broker: available file descriptors: 1024
    Started DFS Broker (local)
    Started Hyperspace
    Started Hypertable.Master
    /proc/sys/vm/swappiness = 60
    Started Hypertable.RangeServer
    Started ThriftBroker
    # /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell
    Welcome to the hypertable command interpreter.
    For information about Hypertable, visit http://hypertable.com
    Type 'help' for a list of commands, or 'help shell' for a
    list of shell meta commands.
  8. 測試安裝是否有效

    # /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell
    Welcome to the hypertable command interpreter.
    For information about Hypertable, visit http://hypertable.com
    Type 'help' for a list of commands, or 'help shell' for a
    list of shell meta commands.
    hypertable> help
    USE ................ Sets the current namespace
    CREATE NAMESPACE ... Creates a new namespace
    DROP NAMESPACE ..... Removes a namespace
    EXISTS TABLE ....... Check if table exists
    CREATE TABLE ....... Creates a table
    DELETE ............. Deletes all or part of a row from a table
    DESCRIBE TABLE ..... Displays a table's schema
    DROP TABLE ......... Removes a table
    RENAME TABLE ....... Renames a table
    DUMP TABLE ......... Create efficient backup file
    ALTER TABLE ........ Add/remove column family from existing table
    INSERT ............. Inserts data into a table
    LOAD DATA INFILE ... Loads data from a TSV input file into a table
    SELECT ............. Selects (and display) cells from a table
    SHOW CREATE TABLE .. Displays CREATE TABLE command used to create table
    SHOW TABLES ........ Displays only the list of tables in the current namespace
    GET LISTING ........ Displays the list of tables and namespace in the current namespace
    Statements must be terminated with ';'.  For more information on
    a specific statement, type 'help <statement>', where <statement> is from
    the preceding list.
  9. 停止 hypertable

    運行下列命令停止 Hypertable

    $ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/stop-servers.sh

1.3. MapR

1.4. ThriftBroker

1.5. 檢驗安裝


# echo "USE '/'; CREATE TABLE foo ( c1, c2 ); GET LISTING;" \
>     | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell --batch
sys	(namespace)
tmp	(namespace)


# echo "USE '/'; INSERT INTO foo VALUES('001', 'c1', 'very'), \
>     ('000', 'c1', 'Hypertable'), ('001', 'c2', 'easy'), ('000', 'c2', 'is');" \
>     | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell --batch


# echo "USE '/'; SELECT * FROM foo;" \
>     | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell --batch
000	c1	Hypertable
000	c2	is
001	c1	very
001	c2	easy


$ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/stop-servers.sh
$ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/clean-database.sh
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