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第 77 章 Network Storage - Openfiler


1. Accounts
2. Volumes
2.1. RAID
2.2. iSCSI
2.2.1. Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator
3. Quota

Openfiler is a powerful, intuitive browser-based network storage software distribution. Openfiler delivers file-based Network Attached Storage and block-based Storage Area Networking in a single framework.

openfiler 的官方網站

過程 77.1. Openfiler Storage Control Center

  1. 登錄管理界面

    https://<ip address>:446/

    初始帳號和密碼是: openfiler/password

  2. 首先要修改預設密碼

    Accounts->Admin Password

    Current Password:  password
    New Password:  新密碼
    Confirm New Password:  確認密碼

    Submit 提交

1. Accounts

  • 用戶認證


    dn: ou=people,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
    ou: people
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    dn: ou=Idmap,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
    ou: Idmap
    objectClass: organizationalUnit


    [chenjingfeng@backup ldap]$ ldapadd -x -D "cn=root,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn" -W -f openfiler.ldif
    Enter LDAP Password:
    adding new entry "ou=people,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn"
    adding new entry "ou=Idmap,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn"
    1. Accounts->Authentication

      Use LDAP: 打勾

      Server:  ldap.bg7nyt.cn
      Base DN:  dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
      Root bind DN:  cn=root,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
      Root bind Password:  你的密碼
    2. Services->LDAP Settings

      Base DN:  dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
      Root bind DN:  cn=root,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
      Root Password:  你的密碼
    3. Services->Enable/Disable

    4. Accounts->Account Administration

      1. Group Administration

        Group Name: nfs
      2. User Administration

        Username: 用戶名
        Password: 密碼
        Retype password: 確認密碼
        Primary Group: 用戶組


        [chenjingfeng@backup ldap]$ ldapsearch -x -b 'ou=people,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn'
        # extended LDIF
        # LDAPv3
        # base <ou=people,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn> with scope sub
        # filter: (objectclass=*)
        # requesting: ALL
        # people, bg7nyt.cn
        dn: ou=people,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
        ou: people
        objectClass: organizationalUnit
        # neo, People, bg7nyt.cn
        dn: uid=neo,ou=People,dc=bg7nyt,dc=cn
        objectClass: inetOrgPerson
        objectClass: posixAccount
        homeDirectory: /dev/null
        loginShell: /bin/false
        cn: neo
        givenName: neo
        sn: neo
        uid: neo
        uidNumber: 500
        gidNumber: 500
        # search result
        search: 2
        result: 0 Success
        # numResponses: 3
        # numEntries: 2
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