部分 IV. Network Application
部分 IV. Network Application
37. network tools
1. curl / w3m / lynx
38. Linux IP And Router
1. netmask
1.1. iptab
1.2. netmask - a netmask generation and conversion program
2. arp - manipulate the system ARP cache
2.1. display hosts
2.2. delete a specified entry
2.3. /proc/net/arp
2.4. /etc/ethers
3. iproute2
3.1. 添加路由
3.2. 刪除路由
3.3. 變更路由
3.4. 替換已有的路由
3.5. 增加預設路由
3.6. cache
4. 策略路由
5. 負載均衡
7. ip tunnel
9. Zebra
39. OpenNTPD
1. install
2. ntpdate
3. ntpd.conf / ntp.conf
3.1. server 配置
3.2. ntp 安全設置
40. DHCP
1. DHCP Server
2. dhclient
3. release matching connections
41. DNS/Bind
1. 安裝 bind9
2. forwarders
3. Load Balancing
4. view
5. Master / Slave
5.1. master /etc/named.conf
5.1.1. /var/named/example.com.zone
5.1.2. /var/named/example.com.zone
5.2. slave /etc/named.conf
5.3. FAQ
5.3.1. Master 更改後 Slave 不同步
5.3.2. Master 與 Slave 的 Test
6. DNS tools
6.1. dig - DNS lookup utility
6.1.1. any
6.1.2. ns
6.1.3. A
6.1.4. mx
6.1.5. cname
6.1.6. -x addr 反向解析
6.2. nslookup - query Internet name servers interactively
6.2.1. 刷新 DNS 解析緩存
6.2.2. 查看NS記錄
6.2.3. Mx 記錄
7. DNS
7.1. OpenDNS
7.2. Google DNS
42. dnsmasq
1. Install
1.1. CentOS / Redhat
1.2. Debian / Ubuntu
1.3. Firewall 設置
2. /etc/dnsmasq.conf
3. dnsmasq.resolv.conf
4. dnsmasq.hosts
5. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.server.conf
6. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.address.conf
6.1. 域名劫持
7. FAQ
43. rinetd — internet “redirection server”
1. rinetd install
1.1. ubuntu
1.2. centos
2. rinetd.conf
3. 防禦腳本
4. rinetd.log
44. Proxy Server
1. Apache Proxy
2. Squid - Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
2.1. 源碼安裝
2.2. debian/ubuntu 安裝
2.3. 配置
2.3.1. 正向代理
2.3.2. 代理伺服器
2.3.3. Squid作為反向代理Cache伺服器(Reverse Proxy)
2.3.4. 代理+反向代理
2.4. Squid 管理
2.4.1. squidclient
2.4.2. reset cache
2.5. 禁止頁面被Cache
2.6. Squid 實用案例
2.6.1. Squid Apache/Lighttpd 在同一台伺服器上
2.6.2. 用非 root 用戶守護 Squid
2.7. squid+icap+clamav
3. Web page proxy
3.1. Surrogafier
3.2. CGIproxy
3.3. PHPProxy
3.4. BBlocked
3.5. Glype
3.6. Zelune
4.1. Socks5
4.2. dante-server - SOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon(danted)
4.3. SSH Socks5 Tunnel
4.4. hpsockd - HP SOCKS server
45. Firewall
1. sysctl - configure kernel parameters at runtime
1.1. net.ipv4.ip_forward
1.2. net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all
2. iptables - administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
2.1. Getting Started
2.1.1. CentOS/Redhat TUI 工具
2.1.2. Protocols
2.1.3. Interfaces
2.1.4. IP Addresses
2.1.5. Ports
2.1.6. IPTables and Connection Tracking
2.2. User-defined Chain
2.2.1. Chains List
2.2.2. Chains Refresh
2.2.3. Chains Admin
2.3. Common Chains Filtering
2.3.1. INPUT Rule Chains OpenSSH FTP DNS WWW SOCKS5 Mail Server MySQL PostgreSQL DHCP Samba ICMP 禁止IP訪問自己 DENY
2.3.2. OUTPUT Rule Chains outbound ICMP NFS SSH 禁止自己訪問某個IP
2.3.3. Forward TCPMSS
2.3.4. Malicious Software and Spoofed IP Addresses
2.4. NAT
2.4.1. Redirect
2.4.2. Postrouting and IP Masquerading
2.4.3. Prerouting
2.4.4. DNAT and SNAT
2.4.5. DMZ zone
2.5. Module(模組)
2.5.1. string
2.5.2. connlimit
2.5.3. limit
2.6. IPV6
2.7. iptables-xml - Convert iptables-save format to XML
2.8. Example
2.9. access.log IP封鎖腳本
3. ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
4. ufw - program for managing a netfilter firewall
4.1. /etc/default/ufw
4.2. ip_forward
4.3. DHCP
4.4. Samba
5. Shorewall
5.1. Installation Instructions
5.1.1. Install using RPM
5.1.2. Install using apt-get
5.2. Configuring Shorewall
5.2.1. zones
5.2.2. policy
5.2.3. interfaces
5.2.4. masq
5.2.5. rules
5.2.6. params
6. Firewall GUI Tools
7. Endian Firewall
8. Smooth Firewall
46. Stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
47. VPN (Virtual Private Network)
1. OpenVPN (openvpn - Virtual Private Network daemon)
1.1. 源碼安裝
1.2. Openvpn Server
1.2.1. create keys for the server
1.2.2. create keys for the clients
1.3. 吊銷(revoke)用戶證書
1.4. Openvpn Client
1.5. OpenVPN GUI for Windows
1.5.1. Windows Server
1.5.2. Windows Client 客戶端路由設置
1.6. point-to-point VPNs
1.7. VPN 案例
1.7.1. server and client vpn
1.7.2. Ethernet Bridging Example
1.7.3. IDC Example
2. pptpd
2.1. FAQ
3. l2tpd - dummy package for l2tpd to xl2tpd transition
4. N2N VPN
49. Point to Point
1. download
1.1. rtorrent - ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent
1.2. mldonkey-server - Door to the 'donkey' network
1.3. amule - client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule
50. News Group (innd)
1. User Authentication
2. usenet 管理
3. 通過SSL連接
4. src.rpm 安裝
5. 常用新聞組
51. IRC - Internet Relay Chat
1. IRC Protcol
2. IRC Commands
3. ircd-irc2 - The original IRCNet IRC server daemon
4. ircd-hybrid
5. IRC Client
5.1. ircII - interface to the Internet Relay Chat system
5.2. HydraIRC
5.3. XChat
5.4. Web IRC
52. jabber
1. ejabberd - Distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written in Erlang
1.1. ejabberdctl
2. DJabberd
3. freetalk - A console based Jabber client
4. library
4.1. python-xmpp
53. NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
1. 安裝SNMP
2. snmpd.conf
3. 列出MBI
4. SNMP v3
5. Cacti
6. Cisco
7. Linux
54. Network Authentication
1. Network Information Service (NIS)
1.1. 安裝NIS伺服器
1.2. Slave NIS Server
1.3. 客戶機軟件安裝
1.4. Authentication Configuration
1.5. application example
1.6. Mount /home volume from NFS
2. OpenLDAP
2.1. Server
2.2. Client
2.3. User and Group Management
3. Kerberos
3.1. Kerberos 安裝
3.1.1. CentOS 安裝
3.1.2. Install by apt-get
3.2. Kerberos Server
3.3. Kerberos Client
3.4. Kerberos Management
3.4.1. ktutil - Kerberos keytab file maintenance utility
3.4.2. klist - list cached Kerberos tickets
3.5. OpenSSH Authentications
3.5.1. Configuring the Application server system
3.5.2. Configuring the Application client system
4. FreeRADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)
4.1. ldap
4.2. mysql
4.3. WAP2 Enterprise
5. SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
6. GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Program Interface)
55. OpenSSH
1. 安裝 OpenSSH
2. /etc/ssh/
2.1. sshd_config
2.1.1. maximum number of authentication
2.1.2. disable root SSH login
2.1.3. 忽略known_hosts檔案
2.1.4. Automatic SSH / SSH without password
2.1.5. disable password authentication
2.2. ssh_config
2.2.1. ForwardAgent
3. OpenSSH Tunnel
3.1. SOCKS v5 Tunnel
4. ssh-keygen — authentication key generation, management and conversion
4.1. .ssh/known_hosts
5. ssh-copy-id - install your public key in a remote machine's authorized_keys
6. ssh-agent
6.1. ssh-add
6.2. Lock / Unlock agent
6.3. Set lifetime (in seconds) when adding identities.
7. OpenSSH for Windows
7.1. Putty Client
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