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Find every file under directory /usr ending in "stat".
$ find /usr -name *stat /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-22-generic/include/config/cpu/freq/stat /usr/bin/lnstat /usr/bin/sar.sysstat /usr/bin/mpstat /usr/bin/rtstat /usr/bin/nstat /usr/bin/lpstat /usr/bin/ctstat /usr/bin/stat /usr/bin/kpsestat /usr/bin/pidstat /usr/bin/iostat /usr/bin/vmstat /usr/lib/sysstat /usr/share/doc/sysstat /usr/share/gnome/help/battstat /usr/share/omf/battstat /usr/share/zsh/help/stat /usr/share/zsh/4.3.4/functions/Completion/Unix/_diffstat /usr/share/zsh/4.3.4/functions/Completion/Zsh/_stat /usr/share/zsh/4.3.4/functions/Zftp/zfstat
find \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' -o -iname '*.gif' \) find /www/images -type f \( -iname '*.js' -o -iname '*.css' -o -iname '*.html' \) | xargs tar -czf ~/images.tgz
find . -regex ".*\.\(jpg\|png\)"
find . -regex ".*\.\(txt\|sh\)" find . -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.txt"
Find every file under /home and /var/www owned by the user neo.
$ find /home -user neo $ find /var/www -user neo $ find . -user nobody -iname '*.php'
# find /var/spool/clientmqueue/ -type f -delete
find . -type f -mtime +7 -delete
# find ./ -exec grep str1 ‘{}’ \; -exec sed -i.bak s/str1/str2/g ‘{}’ \;
find -exec ls -l {} \; | grep '2011-01-18'
find /etc -type f|xargs md5sum
find /etc -type f|xargs sha1sum
find ./ -name "*html" | xargs -n 1 sed -i -e 's/aaa/bbb/g'
find /tmp -name core -type f -print | xargs /bin/rm -f find . -type f -exec file '{}' \;
find /usr/local -path "/usr/local/share" -prune -o -print find /usr/local \( -path /usr/local/bin -o -path /usr/local/sbin \) -prune -o -print find /usr/local \(-path /usr/local/dir1 -o -path /usr/local/file1 \) -prune -o -name "temp" -print
查找當前目錄下的php檔案,排除子目錄templates_c, caches
find . \( -path ./templates_c -o -path ./caches \) -prune -o -name "*.php" -print
find . -type f -mtime -3
find . -type f -mtime +3
# find . -mmin +5 -mmin -10
例 22.1. backup(find + tar)
find / -type f -mtime -7 | xargs tar -rf weekly_incremental.tar gzip weekly_incremental.tar
tar --newer="2011-07-04" -zcvf backup.tar.gz /var/www/ tar cvzf foo.tgz /bak -N "2004-03-03 16:49:17"
[root@scientific ~]# find / -maxdepth 1 -name '[!.]*' -printf 'Name: %16f Size: %6s\n' Name: / Size: 4096 Name: misc Size: 0 Name: media Size: 4096 Name: home Size: 4096 Name: dev Size: 3840 Name: net Size: 0 Name: proc Size: 0 Name: sbin Size: 12288 Name: root Size: 4096 Name: lib Size: 4096 Name: cgroup Size: 4096 Name: srv Size: 4096 Name: mnt Size: 4096 Name: etc Size: 12288 Name: usr Size: 4096 Name: lib64 Size: 12288 Name: boot Size: 1024 Name: var Size: 4096 Name: selinux Size: 0 Name: opt Size: 4096 Name: tmp Size: 4096 Name: lost+found Size: 16384 Name: sys Size: 0 Name: bin Size: 4096 # find /etc/ -type f -printf "%CY-%Cm-%Cd %Cr %8s %f\n"