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例 21.1. Backup program
the following is a backup program to implement my ideas in the above diagram. I have not finished yet.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################## # Home : http://netkiller.sf.net # Author: Neo <openunix@163.com> ############################################## try: import logging, configparser import threading from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup import os,io,sys except ImportError as err: print("Error: %s" %(err)) class Runtime(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, logging): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.logging = logging sys.stdin = open('stdin.log', 'r') sys.stdout = open('stdout.log', 'w') sys.stderr = open('stderr.log', 'w') def command(self,cmd): commands = { 'rsync': 'rsync -auzvP', 'sftp' : 'sftp', 'scp' : 'scp -r', 'cp' : 'cp -r' } return commands[cmd] def policy(self,policy): policies = { 'full': 'rsync -az', 'mirror': 'rsync -auz --delete', 'differential': 'rsync -auz --delete', 'incremental': 'rsync -auz', 'clone': 'dd', 'copy.cp': 'cp -au', 'copy.cp.backup': "cp --suffix=$(date '+.%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S') " 'copy.scp': 'scp -a', 'mirror.ftp': 'wget -m', 'mirror.http': 'wget -m', 'archive.zip': 'zip', 'archive.7zip': '7zip', 'archive.cpio': 'cpio', 'archive.tar': 'tar zcvf', 'snapshot': '' } return policies[policy] def execute(self,cfg): print( self.policy('mirror')) #command = self.command(cfg['cmd']) command = self.policy(cfg['policy']) + ' ' + cfg['source'] + ' ' + cfg['target'] + ' >> stdout.log' self.logging.debug(command) os.system(command) class Task(): def __init__(self, logging): self.logging = logging self.config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() cfg='task.cfg' self.config.read(cfg) def list(self): for section in self.config.sections(): print(section) def new(self): pass def remove(self): pass def change(self): pass def run(self, section): try: #print(cfg) cfg = self.config.items(section) r = Runtime(self.logging) r.execute(dict(cfg)) except configparser.NoSectionError as err: print(err) def show(self, section): for item in self.config.items(section): #k,v = item print("%s: %s" %(item)) def get(self,section): return self.config.items(section) class Schedule(): def __init__(self, logging): self.logging = logging self.config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() cfg='schedule.cfg' self.config.read(cfg) def list(self): for section in self.config.sections(): print(section) def show(self, section): for item in self.config.items(section): print("%s: %s" %(item)) def new(self): pass def remove(self): pass def change(self): system('backup.cron') def status(self): pass def run(self, section): threads = [] t = Task(self.logging) #t.run(task) for task,status in self.config.items(section): if status : cfg = t.get(task) r = Runtime(dict(cfg)) r.setName('Thread-' + task) threads.append(r) for t in threads: #print(t.getName()) self.logging.info(t.getName()) t.start() t.join() class Volume(): pass class Backup(): def __init__(self): self.config = {} #self.config['logfile'] = 'backup.log' usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg1 arg2" self.parser = OptionParser(usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE") self.parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="don't print status messages to stdout") self.parser.add_option('','--config', dest="config", help='Read configuration options from file.', default='backup.cfg') group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "arg1", "arg1: task | schedule") self.parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(self.parser, 'arg2', 'arg2: list | new | remove | show') self.parser.add_option_group(group) self.parser.add_option('-v','--version',action='store_true', help='print version number') self.parser.add_option('-d','--daemon', dest='daemon', action='store_true', help='run as daemon') self.parser.add_option('','--logfile', help='logs file.', default='backup.log') (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args() self.configure(options) try: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filename=self.config['environment']['logfile'], filemode='a') self.logging = logging.getLogger() except AttributeError as err: print("Error: %s %s" %(err, self.config['environment']['logfile'])) sys.exit(2) pass def configure(self,options): if options.config: cpr = configparser.SafeConfigParser() cpr.read(options.config) for sect in cpr.sections(): self.config[sect] = dict(cpr.items(sect)) #for (key,value) in cpr.items(sect): # self.config[key] = value #print(self.config) def task(self, args): try: t = Task(self.logging) if len(args) <= 1: t.list() elif args[1] == 'list': t.list() elif args[1] == 'run': if len(args) == 3: t.run(args[2]) else: t.list() elif args[1] == 'show': if len(args) == 3: t.show(args[2]) else: t.list() else: t.list() except IOError as err: print(err) except configparser.NoSectionError as err: t.list() print(err) self.logging.error(err) def schedule(self,args): try: s = Schedule(self.logging) if len(args) <= 1: s.list() elif args[1] == 'list': s.list() elif args[1] == 'show': if len(args) == 3: s.show(args[2]) else: s.list() elif args[1] == 'run': if len(args) == 3: s.run(args[2]) else: s.list() else: s.list() except configparser.NoSectionError as err: s.list() self.logging.error(err) print(err) def usage(self): self.parser.print_help() def main(self): (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args() if options.daemon: pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: self.logging.info('daemon is ok') sys.exit(0) if not args: self.usage() elif args[0] == 'task': self.task(args) self.logging.debug('Task') elif args[0] == 'schedule': self.schedule(args) self.logging.debug('Schedule') else: print('') if __name__ == '__main__': try: backup = Backup() backup.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print ("Crtl+C Pressed. Shutting down.")
list task
$ backup task list www database test test1 test2
show task
$ backup task show www policy: mirror source: /www/www.example.dev/* target: /tmp/www exclude: .svn include: *
run task
$ backup task run www
the backup program has four schedule task, actually you can add more.
$ ./backup schedule list hourly daily weekly monthly $ ./backup schedule show hourly www: True mrtg: True $ ./backup schedule run hourly
crontab -l
17 * * * * test -x /srv/sbin/backup || ( backup schedule run hourly ) 25 6 * * * test -x /srv/sbin/backup || ( backup schedule run daily ) 47 6 * * 7 test -x /srv/sbin/backup || ( backup schedule run weekly ) 52 6 1 * * test -x /srv/sbin/backup || ( backup schedule run monthly ) # m h dom mon dow command */30 * * * * /srv/sbin/backup task run www