知乎專欄 | 多維度架構 | 微信號 netkiller-ebook | QQ群:128659835 請註明“讀者” |
mv file_name new_file_name && cvs remove file_name
cvs add new_file_name
neo@netkiller:/tmp/cvs/project_name$ mv file file.txt neo@netkiller:/tmp/cvs/project_name$ cvs remove file cvs remove: scheduling `file' for removal cvs remove: use `cvs commit' to remove this file permanently neo@netkiller:/tmp/cvs/project_name$ cvs add file.txt cvs add: scheduling file `file.txt' for addition cvs add: use `cvs commit' to add this file permanently neo@netkiller:/tmp/cvs/project_name$ cvs commit -m 'rename file to file.txt' cvs commit: Examining . cvs commit: Examining dir1 cvs commit: Examining dir2 /home/cvsroot/project_name/file,v <-- file new revision: delete; previous revision: 2.3 /home/cvsroot/project_name/file.txt,v <-- file.txt initial revision: 1.1