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mysql tunnel
$ ssh -L 3306: user@example.org
$ mysql -h -uroot -p test
ssh -D 1080 <遠程主機地址> or ssh -D 7070 <遠程主機地址>
I prefer 1080 to 7070. the reason is 1080 default for SOCKS port.
ssh neo@www.example.com -D 1080
ssh -D 1080 -f -C -q -N neo@example.com
Explanation of arguments
-D: Tells SSH that we want a SOCKS tunnel on the specified port number (you can choose a number between 1025-65536)
-f: Forks the process to the background
-C: Compresses the data before sending it
-q: Uses quiet mode
-N: Tells SSH that no command will be sent once the tunnel is up
ssh -D 1080 -f -C -q -N neo@vpn.netkiller.cn pkill ping ping -i 30 > /dev/null &
ping 是保持隧道活躍,每個 30秒 ping 訪問一次外部主機以保持 ssh 不會退出。