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8.7. question/answer 問答

			<para>What are little boys made of?</para>
			<para>Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.</para>
			<para>What are little girls made of?</para>
			<para>Sugar and spice and everything nice.</para>
8.7.1. What are little boys made of?
8.7.2. What are little girls made of?


What are little boys made of?

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.


What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice and everything nice.

<article xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'>
    <title>Example qandaset</title>
    <qandaset defaultlabel='qanda'>
          <para>To be, or not to be?</para>
   		    <para>That is the question.</para>

問: To be, or not to be?


To be, or not to be?


That is the question.