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13.4. footnote 腳註

<para>During the installation of the product<footnote><para>In versions 2.3 and 2.4.</para> </footnote> you may see messages such as these. </para>		

			An annual percentage rate (
			) of 13.9%
					The prime rate, as published in the
					<citetitle>Wall Street
					on the first business day of the month,
					plus 7.0%.
			will be charged on all balances carried forward.

During the installation of the product [1] you may see messages such as these.

An annual percentage rate ( APR ) of 13.9% [2] will be charged on all balances carried forward.

[1] In versions 2.3 and 2.4.

[2] The prime rate, as published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of the month, plus 7.0%.