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第 14 章 equation 公式


14.1. 引用latex公式
  <title>Fermat's Last Theorem</title>
  <alt>x^n + y^n ≠ z^n ∀ n ≠ 2</alt>
    ∀ n ≠ 2

  <alt>e^(pi*i) + 1 = 0</alt>
    <imageobject condition="print"><imagedata fileref="figs/print/db5d_refeqn02.pdf"/></imageobject>
    <imageobject condition="web"><imagedata fileref="figs/web/db5d_refeqn02.png"/></imageobject>

公式 14.1. Fermat's Last Theorem

x n +y n ≠z n ∀ n ≠ 2

14.1. 引用latex公式

A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you to insert inline markup, such as <markup role="tex">$x^2$</markup>, using TeX syntax directly.

A presentation system using TeX as a back end might allow you to insert inline markup, such as $x^2$ , using TeX syntax directly.