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部分 VII. Oracle


74. Oracle 12c 安裝可
74.1. Server 安裝
74.2. Desktop 安裝
74.3. Oracle Net Services Configuration
74.3.1. Listener configuration
74.3.2. Local Net Service Name configuration
74.4. Oracle 12c Client for Windows 10
74.5. 卸載 Oracle
74.6. Linux 安裝 sqlplus
75. Privilege
75.1. Account
75.1.1. show user
75.1.3. unlock/lock
75.2. User
75.2.1. Create user
75.2.2. Drop user
75.2.3. Alter user
75.2.4. 修改密碼
75.2.5. Reset Password 忘記密碼重置密碼
75.3. grant
75.3.1. 列出權限
75.3.2. 查看用戶權限
75.3.3. 吊銷權限
75.3.4. System Privileges 系統權限 EM 權限 Granting and Revoking SYSDBA and SYSOPER Privileges
75.3.5. Object Privileges 對象權限
75.4. Opening the Encrypted Wallet
76. 資料庫管理
76.1. lsnrctl
76.2. listener.ora
76.3. TNS 配置
76.3.1. HOST
76.3.2. SID
76.4. parameter
76.4.1. db
76.4.2. instance_name
76.4.3. service_name
76.4.4. global_name
76.4.5. db_name
76.4.6. db_domain
76.4.7. sga
76.4.8. size
76.4.9. spfile
76.4.10. cache
76.4.11. Character Set
76.5. 進程
76.6. 查看用戶
76.7. 顯示表
76.8. 顯示試圖
76.11. 視圖、存儲過程、函數
76.12. 查看存儲過程原始碼
76.13. 日期時間格式
76.13.1. Date
76.13.2. 修改系統日期格式
76.13.3. TIMESTAMP
76.14. 切換字符集
76.14.1. 切換到 GBK
76.14.2. 切到 UTF-8
76.14.3. 切到 AL32UTF8
76.14.4. 切換過程實例
76.15. Oracle 表空間
76.15.1. 查詢空閒表空間
76.15.2. 創建表空間 臨時表空間
76.15.3. 更改表空間屬性 修改表空間大小
76.15.4. 刪除表空間
77. Oracle Gui
77.1. Create instance
77.2. Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
77.3. Oracle Enterprise Manager
77.3.1. EM Configuration issue. /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/orcl.example.com_orcl not found.
77.4. Other GUI - phpOraAdmin
78. CLI
78.1. SQL*Plus
78.1.1. conn
78.1.2. startup/shutdown startup shutdown
78.1.3. $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
78.1.4. @運行SQL
78.1.5. 連結資料庫
78.2. exp/imp
78.2.1. exp
78.2.2. imp A用戶導出B用戶導入
78.3. expdp/impdp
78.3.1. expdp
78.3.2. impdp
78.3.3. 數據泵演示
78.3.4. 查看dmp檔案的表空間
78.4. RMAN
78.4.1. 資料庫模式
78.4.2. 完全備份
78.4.3. 增量備份
78.4.4. 恢復資料庫
78.4.5. 是用tar打包rman檔案
78.4.6. 打包 rman 備份檔案
79. DDL
79.1. 欄位類型
79.1.1. Date
79.2. 索引
79.3. 表
79.3.2. 約束檢查
79.4. SEQUENCE 序列
80. 程序包
80.1. 執行包中的過程
81. 資料庫連結
82. Oracle 監控
82.1. Oracle日誌的路徑
82.2. SQL 日誌監控
82.2.1. 查詢性能分析
82.2.2. IO性能分析
82.3. session
82.4. SQL Monitoring Report
83. Installing Oracle Database
83.1. Installing Oracle Database 10g Release 2 on Linux x86
83.2. 11gR2
83.3. Installing Oracle Client 11g
83.4. Silence Install - Database
83.4.1. Response File
83.4.2. OS 配置腳本
83.4.3. 運行 runInstaller
83.5. Silence Install - Client
83.6. oracle 817 script
83.7. Script for automatic startup on boot
83.8. Run level shell script to start Oracle 10g services on RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHAS 4)
84. FAQ
84.1. Reset root password 重置MySQL root密碼
84.1.1. MySQL 5.7.x
84.1.2. MySQL 8.0
84.2. 資料庫內容替換
84.3. 查看錯誤代碼
84.3.1. ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 3168: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
84.3.2. ERROR 1129 (00000): Host 'XXXXXX' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
84.4. 臨時表是否需要建索引
84.5. Kill 腳本
84.6. ERROR 1503 (HY000): A PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table's partitioning function
84.7. ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.
84.8. ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
84.9. 重新整理AUTO_INCREMENT欄位
84.10. 轉換 latin1 到 UTF-8
84.11. this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
84.12. [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 5000 (requested 20480)
84.13. ERROR 1364: 1364: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
84.14. ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
84.15. ERROR 1086 (HY000): File '/var/lib/mysql-files/order.txt' already exists
84.16. ERROR 1415: Not allowed to return a result set from a trigger
84.17. Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/caching_sha2_password.so: cannot open shared object file: No such fileor directory
84.18. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed