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第 23 章 NoSQL OOD(Object-Oriented Design)


23.1. MongoDB
23.1.1. 配置表 config
23.1.2. 日誌表
23.2. Cassandra
23.2.1. User And Profile
23.2.2. Category
23.2.3. Article
23.2.4. Product and ProductAttribute
23.2.5. Address
23.2.6. 練習

23.1. MongoDB

23.1.1. 配置表 config

    "_id" : ObjectId("5799a8535a855eca473977e1"),
    "key" : "payment",
    "value" : {
        "alpay" : true,
        "tenpay" : false,
        "unionpay" : false,

    "_id" : ObjectId("5799a8535a855eca47397723"),
    "key" : "signup",
    "value" : {
        "online" : true,
        "manual" : false

23.1.2. 日誌表

tag ENUM('unknow','www','user','admin') '日誌標籤',
time '插入時間',
facility ENUM('config','unionpay','sms','email') '類別',
priority ENUM('info','warning','error','critical','exception','debug') '級別',
message '內容'

/* 1 */
    "_id" : ObjectId("5799b0175a855eca473977e2"),
    "tag" : "www",
    "time" : "2016-07-30 12:12:00",
    "facility" : "config",
    "priority" : "info",
    "message" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

/* 2 */
    "_id" : ObjectId("5799b10f5a855eca473977e3"),
    "tag" : "www",
    "time" : "2016-07-30 12:12:00",
    "facility" : "config",
    "priority" : "info",
    "message" : {
        "name" : "neo",
        "age" : 30,
        "sex" : true