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12.9. zfs

# yum info zfs-fuse

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * addons: mirrors.163.com
 * base: mirrors.163.com
 * epel: mirror01.idc.hinet.net
 * extras: mirrors.163.com
 * updates: mirrors.163.com
Available Packages
Name       : zfs-fuse
Arch       : x86_64
Version    : 0.6.9_beta3
Release    : 0.el5
Size       : 1.5 M
Repo       : epel
Summary    : ZFS ported to Linux FUSE
URL        : http://zfs-fuse.net/
License    : CDDL
Description: ZFS is an advanced modern general-purpose filesystem from Sun
           : Microsystems, originally designed for Solaris/OpenSolaris.
           : This project is a port of ZFS to the FUSE framework for the Linux
           : operating system.
           : Project home page is at http://zfs-fuse.net/