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部分 V. Mail Server


59. Mail server constituent
60. mail user agent (MUA)
60.1. mail
60.2. mutt - text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
60.2.1. 發送郵件
60.2.2. 設置自定義 From
60.3. alpine - Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful
60.4. fetchmail - SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
60.5. GPG4WIN
60.6. Evolution
61. exim - meta-package to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
61.1. install
61.1.1. ubuntu/debian configure
61.1.2. CentOS/Redhat
61.2. exim 命令
61.2.1. 幫助信息
61.2.2. 測試發送郵件
61.2.3. 刷新郵件隊列
61.3. 配置exim
61.3.1. /etc/aliases 別名配置
61.4. FAQ
61.4.1. Mailing to remote domains not supported
62. postfix - High-performance mail transport agent
62.1. install
62.1.1. Ubuntu
62.1.2. CentOS
62.1.3. OSCM 通過配置管理腳本安裝
62.2. 配置 Postfix
62.2.1. 轉發配置
62.2.2. 拒收垃圾郵件
62.2.3. 收件箱配置 Mailbox 配置 Maildir 配置 傳統Unix風格郵箱配置
62.2.4. 郵件投遞
62.2.5. 隊列配置
62.2.6. 客戶端
62.2.7. SMTP 發送權限相關配置
62.3. aliases
62.4. dkim
62.4.1. 增加域名
62.4.2. 測試
62.5. Rspamd
62.6. /var/log/maillog
62.6.1. 計算每分鐘發送數量日誌統計
62.6.2. 虛假地址統計
62.7. Post 命令
62.7.1. postconf - Postfix configuration utility
62.7.2. postsuper
62.7.3. postqueue - Postfix queue control 列出隊列 刷新隊列
62.7.4. postmulti - Postfix multi-instance manager 綁定IP地址 postfix 多實例配置 配置 iptables 讓SMTPD發送郵件時依次輪詢外發IP地址,這樣就不會被封鎖。
62.8. Example
62.8.1. 站內電郵發送
62.8.2. EDM 伺服器
62.8.3. SMTP 郵件發送伺服器
62.9. FAQ
62.9.1. SMTP ERROR: RCPT TO command failed: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
62.9.2. connect to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[2607:f8b0:400e:c00::1a]:25: Network is unreachable
62.9.3. opendkim[5762]: 3012A802C1DD: [] [] not internal
62.9.4. opendkim[12578]: 4CC5C802C382: no signature data
62.9.5. /etc/opendkim/keys/default.private: open(): No such file or directory
62.9.6. fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for ::1
62.9.7. NOQUEUE: reject: MAIL from unknown[]: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit;
62.9.8. 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage
62.9.9. 454 Relay access denied
63. 郵件原文
63.1. Subject Unicode
63.2. TO/CC/BCC
63.3. 正文
63.4. POP Sniffer
63.5. PHP mail()
64. 反垃圾郵件相關
64.1. Sender Policy Framework
64.1.1. 分析 SPF 記錄
64.2. DKIM
64.3. 郵件被拒收處理方法
64.3.1. NetEase
64.3.2. Sohu
64.3.3. Tom
64.3.4. QQ
64.3.5. 21CN
65. Fax
65.1. HylaFAX
66. FAQ
66.1. 通過SSH與控制台不能登錄