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第 30 章 寫作團隊的運作


30.1. Docbook 環境初始化
30.1.1. FreeBSD
30.1.2. Ubuntu/Debian
30.2. Subversion 版本控制
30.3. GIT

前提條件: subversion 伺服器一台,或者使用sf.net, github.com, code.google.com 等等提供的服務,團隊人員需要懂得docbook以及配置docbook環境

30.1. Docbook 環境初始化

30.1.1. FreeBSD

# pkg_add -r vim
# pkg_add -r git
# pkg_add -r libxml2 libxslt
# pkg_add -r docbook-xsl

創建 book.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE subject SYSTEM "/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/5.0/dtd/docbook.dtd">
        <title>An Example Book</title>

            <firstname>Your first name</firstname>
            <surname>Your surname</surname>

            <holder>Copyright string here</holder>

            <para>If your book has an abstract then it should go here.</para>


        <para>Your book may have a preface, in which case it should be placed

        <title>My first chapter</title>

        <para>This is the first chapter in my book.</para>

            <title>My first section</title>

            <para>This is the first section in my book.</para>



$ xsltproc /usr/local/share/xsl/docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl book.xml > book.html

30.1.2. Ubuntu/Debian

$ sudo apt-get install docbook-xsl
$ sudo apt-get install xsltproc xmlto
$ sudo apt-get install make
$ sudo apt-get install git

創建 book.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE subject SYSTEM "/usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
        <title>An Example Book</title>

            <firstname>Your first name</firstname>
            <surname>Your surname</surname>

            <holder>Copyright string here</holder>

            <para>If your book has an abstract then it should go here.</para>


        <para>Your book may have a preface, in which case it should be placed

        <title>My first chapter</title>

        <para>This is the first chapter in my book.</para>

            <title>My first section</title>

            <para>This is the first section in my book.</para>



$ xsltproc /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/docbook-xsl/xhtml/docbook.xsl book.xml > book.html