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功能說明:聲明 shell 變數。 語 法:declare [+/-][rxi][變數名稱=設置值] 或 declare -f 補充說明:declare為shell指令,在第一種語法中可用來聲明變數並設置變數的屬性([rix]即為變數的屬性),在第二種語法中可用來顯示shell函數。若不加上任何參數,則會顯示全部的shell變數與函數(與執行set指令的效果相同)。 參 數: +/- "-"可用來指定變數的屬性,"+"則是取消變數所設的屬性。 -f 僅顯示函數。 r 將變數設置為只讀。 x 指定的變數會成為環境變數,可供shell以外的程序來使用。 i [設置值]可以是數值,字元串或運算式。
Shell常用的系統變數並不多,但卻十分有用,特別是在做一些參數檢測的時候。下面是Shell常用的系統變數 表示方法 描述 $n $1 表示第一個參數,$2 表示第二個參數 ... $# 命令行參數的個數 $0 當前程序的名稱 $? 前一個命令或函數的返回碼 $* 以"參數1 參數2 ... " 形式保存所有參數 $@ 以"參數1" "參數2" ... 形式保存所有參數 $$ 本程序的(進程ID號)PID $! 上一個命令的PID
[root@cc tmp]# cat test.sh echo $# echo $@ [root@cc tmp]# ./test.sh helloworld 1 helloworld
其中使用得比較多得是 $n $# $0 $? ,看看下面的例子: #!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 string file"; exit 1; fi grep $1 $2 ; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "Not Found \"$1\" in $2"; exit 1; fi echo "Found \"$1\" in $2"; 上面的例子中使用了$0 $1 $2 $# $? 等變數 下面運行的例子: ./chapter2.2.sh usage chapter2.2.sh Not Found "usage" in chapter2.2.sh -bash-2.05b$ ./chapter2.2.sh Usage chapter2.2.sh echo "Usage: $0 string file"; Found "Usage" in chapter2.2.sh
$ MYVAR=foodforthought.jpg $ echo ${MYVAR##*fo} rthought.jpg $ echo ${MYVAR#*fo} odforthought.jpg
mytar.sh #!/bin/bash if [ "${1##*.}" = "tar" ] then echo This appears to be a tarball. else echo At first glance, this does not appear to be a tarball. fi $ ./mytar.sh thisfile.tar This appears to be a tarball. $ ./mytar.sh thatfile.gz At first glance, this does not appear to be a tarball.
$ MYFOO="chickensoup.tar.gz" $ echo ${MYFOO%%.*} chickensoup $ echo ${MYFOO%.*} chickensoup.tar MYFOOD="chickensoup" $ echo ${MYFOOD%%soup} chicken
$ test="aaa bbb ccc ddd" $ echo ${test% *} aaa bbb ccc $ echo ${test%% *} aaa
$ EXCLAIM=cowabunga $ echo ${EXCLAIM:0:3} cow $ echo ${EXCLAIM:3:7} abunga file=netkiller.rpm $echo ${file: -3}
arr=(Hello World) arr[0]=Hello arr[1]=World
echo ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]} ${arr[*]} # All of the items in the array ${!arr[*]} # All of the indexes in the array ${#arr[*]} # Number of items in the array ${#arr[0]} # Length of item zero
#!/bin/bash array=(one two three four [5]=five) echo "Array size: ${#array[*]}" echo "Array items:" for item in ${array[*]} do printf " %s\n" $item done echo "Array indexes:" for index in ${!array[*]} do printf " %d\n" $index done echo "Array items and indexes:" for index in ${!array[*]} do printf "%4d: %s\n" $index ${array[$index]} done
#!/bin/bash array=("first item" "second item" "third" "item") echo "Number of items in original array: ${#array[*]}" for ix in ${!array[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${array[$ix]}" done echo arr=(${array[*]}) echo "After unquoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" done echo arr=("${array[*]}") echo "After * quoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" done echo arr=("${array[@]}") echo "After @ quoted expansion: ${#arr[*]}" for ix in ${!arr[*]} do printf " %s\n" "${arr[$ix]}" done
array=({23..32} {49,50} {81..92}) echo "Array size: ${#array[*]}" echo "Array items:" for item in ${array[*]} do printf " %s\n" $item done