[ postgres@server/~ ] $ psql postfix -U postfix
CREATE TABLE "admin" (
"username" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"password" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"modified" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean default true,
Constraint "admin_key" Primary Key ("username")
GRANT ALL ON admin TO postfix;
CREATE TABLE "alias" (
"address" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"goto" text NOT NULL,
"domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"modified" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean default true,
Constraint "alias_key" Primary Key ("address")
GRANT ALL ON alias TO postfix;
CREATE TABLE "domain" (
"domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"description" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"aliases" numeric(10,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"mailboxes" numeric(10,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"maxquota" numeric(10,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"modified" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean default true,
Constraint "domain_key" Primary Key ("domain")
GRANT ALL ON domain TO postfix;
CREATE TABLE "domain_admins" (
"username" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"domains" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean default true,
Constraint "domain_admins_key" Primary Key ("username")
GRANT ALL ON domain_admins TO postfix;
CREATE TABLE "mailbox" (
"username" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"password" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"name" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"maildir" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"quota" numeric(10,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
"domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"modified" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean DEFAULT 't'::bool,
"home" character varying(255) DEFAULT '/var/spool/virtual/',
"uid" numeric(3,0) DEFAULT 200,
"gid" numeric(3,0) DEFAULT 200,
Constraint "mailbox_key" Primary Key ("username")
GRANT ALL ON mailbox TO postfix;
CREATE TABLE "vacation" (
"email" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"subject" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"body" text,
"cache" text NOT NULL,
"domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp(13) with time zone DEFAULT '1999-04-23 01:05:06',
"active" boolean default true,
Constraint "vacation_key" Primary Key ("email")
GRANT ALL ON vacation TO postfix;
INSERT INTO domain (domain,description,aliases,mailbox,maxquota) values ('dominio.com.br','dominio virtual',1,1,1);
INSERT INTO mailbox (username,password,name,maildir) values ('teste@dominio.com.br','$1$Fi8IP53B$3yeGqD1Cnax.f.yAkLiAd1','name','teste@dominio.com.br/');
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