部分 III. Shell
部分 III. Shell
32. Introduction
1. chsh - change login shell
2. test 命令
3. I/O 重定向
3.1. error 重定向
3.2. 使用塊記錄日誌
3.3. tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
3.3.1. nettee - a network "tee" program
3.4. 快速清空一個檔案的內容
4. pipes (FIFOs)
5. mktemp - create a temporary file or directory 臨時目錄與檔案
6. History 命令歷史記錄
6.1. .bash_history
6.2. .mysql_history
33. Bash Shell
1. bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
1.1. -n 檢查腳本是否有語法錯誤
1.2. -x 顯示詳細運行過程
2. prompt
3. Internal Environment Variables
4. variable
4.1. set
4.2. export / unset
4.3. declare
4.4. 系統變數
4.5. Strings
4.5.1. ##/#
4.5.2. %%/%
4.5.3. :n1:n2
4.5.4. #
4.5.5. example
4.6. Array
4.7. eval
5. conditions if and case
5.1. if
5.2. case
6. Loops for, while and until
6.1. for
6.2. while
6.3. until
7. Functions
7.1. Local variables
8. User interfaces
8.1. input
34. Z Shell
1. installing Z shell
2. Starting file
2.1. ~/.zshrc
3. Prompting
4. Aliases
5. History
6. FAQ
6.1. Home/End key
35. Shell TUI
1. terminal
1.1. resize - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size
1.2. tset, reset - terminal initialization
1.3. stty - change and print terminal line settings
2. tput
3. dialog
3.1. --inputbox
4. whiptail - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
4.1. --msgbox
4.2. --infobox
4.3. --yesno
4.4. --inputbox
4.5. --passwordbox
4.6. --textbox
4.7. --checklist
4.8. --radiolist
4.9. --menu
4.10. --gauge
36. Example
1. 有趣的Shell
2. backup
3. CPU 核心數
4. Password
5. processes
5.1. pid
5.2. kill
5.3. pgrep
6. Shell 技巧
6.1. 行轉列,再批評
6.2. for vs while
6.3. 遍歷字元串
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