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部分 IV. NoSQL


22. MongoDB
1. Quickstart
1.1. Starting Mongo
1.2. Ubuntu MongoDB
1.3. CentOS MongoDB
2. Security and Authentication
3. Replication
4. Drivers
4.1. Using MongoDB in PHP
5. mongo 命令行
5.1. help
5.2. show 查看命令
5.3. 索引管理
5.4. 記錄管理
5.4.1. save
5.4.2. update
5.4.3. remove
5.4.4. find
6. RockMongo
23. Redis
1. Redis 安裝
1.1. CentOS
1.2. Ubuntu
1.3. Test Redis
2. phpRedisAdmin
24. Cassandra
1. Getting Started
1.1. Downloading and Installation
1.2. Running Cassandra
1.3. cli tool
1.4. Testing Cassandra
2. Configure Cassandra
2.1. Envionment variables
2.2. log4j.properties
2.3. storage-conf.xml
3. Keyspace
3.1. Schema
3.1.1. Keyspace
3.1.2. Column family Name Column Super column Sorting
3.2. Keyspace example
4. Cluster
4.1. Running a cluster
4.2. Running a single node
4.3. nodetool
25. Hypertable
1. Hypertable 安裝
1.1. Hypertable standalone 單機安裝
1.2. Hypertable on HDFS(hadoop) 安裝
1.3. MapR
1.4. ThriftBroker
1.5. 檢驗安裝
2. Code examples
2.1. PHP
3. HQL
3.1. namespace 命名空間管理
3.2. Table 表
26. Membase
27. TokyoCabinet/Tyrant
28. Flare
29. Voldemort
30. LevelDB
31. CouchDB


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