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部分 II. Network


11. IP Address
1. Gateway
2. hosts
3. bonding
4. brctl
12. Iptables
13. INND
14. Apache httpd
1. Memcache
1.1. source code
1.2. yum install
15. Piranha - Cluster administation tools
1. install
2. configure
3. real server
4. Example
4.1. Master
4.2. Slave
4.3. MySQL
16. NFS
1. NFS Server Configuration
2. NFS Client Configuration
2.1. Using NFS over UDP
3. exportfs - maintain table of exported NFS file systems
17. Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
1. ntpd - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon
2. ntp client
18. openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon.
19. vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon
20. Samba

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