AN EXAMPLE: WEBSERVER This simple web server written in React responds with "Hello World" for every request. require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $app = function ($request, $response) { $response->writeHead(200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain')); $response->end("Hello World\n"); }; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $socket = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $http = new React\Http\Server($socket, $loop); $http->on('request', $app); echo "Server running at\n"; $socket->listen(1337); $loop->run(); To install, just run this command: % composer init --require=react/http:0.3.* -n % composer install To run the server, put the code into a file example.php and execute it with the php program: % php example.php Server running at