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7.5. Paragraphs 段落

7.5.1. para 段落


7.5.2. simpara 簡單段落

	Just the text, ma'am.

Just the text, ma'am.

7.5.3. formalpara 帶標題的段落

  <title>A Formal Paragraph</title>
  <para>has a title that appears in bold, and a body paragraph.
  The title paragraph is incorporated into the body paragraph in HTML,
  and is separate in PDF.  The body paragraph is a regular &lt;para&gt;
  paragraph, and there is only one body paragraph allowed per formal

A Formal Paragraph.  has a title that appears in bold, and a body paragraph. The title paragraph is incorporated into the body paragraph in HTML, and is separate in PDF. The body paragraph is a regular <para> paragraph, and there is only one body paragraph allowed per formal paragraph.

7.5.4. TM 商標



7.5.5. 字型

Font Formatting Codes strong

<para><emphasis role="strong">Note</emphasis></para>

Note bold

<emphasis role="bold">text</emphasis>
text italic

<emphasis role="italic">text</emphasis>
text literal




<literal role="code">< ! [ CDATA [ code ] ] ></literal>
code remark

<remark>Some details are still a bit shaky</remark>

Some details are still a bit shaky

7.5.6. citetitle

<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
The <emphasis>most</emphasis> important example of this
phenomenon occurs in A. Nonymous's book
<citetitle>Power Snacking</citetitle>.

The most important example of this phenomenon occurs in A. Nonymous's book Power Snacking .