知乎專欄 | 多維度架構 | | | 微信號 netkiller-ebook | | | QQ群:128659835 請註明“讀者” |
找到config.ini中的配置項contracts-console = false 改為 true
[root@netkiller ~]# vim ~/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/config/config.ini # print contract's output to console (eosio::chain_plugin) contracts-console = true
這樣 eosio::print() 輸出的內容才會顯示在控制台上。
{ id, description, completed }
struct todo { uint64_t id; std::string description; uint64_t completed; uint64_t primary_key() const { return id; } EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(todo, (id)(description)(completed)) };
primary_key() 相當與數據中的主鍵。
typedef eosio::multi_index<N(todos), todo> todo_table; todo_table todos;
void create(account_name author, const uint32_t id, const std::string& description) { todos.emplace(author, [&](auto& new_todo) { new_todo.id = id; new_todo.description = description; new_todo.completed = 0; });
void complete(account_name author, const uint32_t id) { auto todo_lookup = todos.find(id); eosio_assert(todo_lookup != todos.end(), "Todo does not exist"); todos.modify(todo_lookup, author, [&](auto& modifiable_todo) { modifiable_todo.completed = 1; }); eosio::print("todo#", id, " marked as complete"); }
void destroy(account_name author, const uint32_t id) { auto todo_lookup = todos.find(id); todos.erase(todo_lookup); eosio::print("todo#", id, " destroyed"); }
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp> #include <string> namespace eosio { using std::string; class netkiller : public contract { public: netkiller( account_name self ):contract(self){} void create(account_name author, string title, string content); void change(account_name author, uint64_t post_id, string title, string content); void remove(account_name author, uint64_t post_id); void find(uint64_t post_id, account_name author); private: struct da { uint64_t post_id; account_name poster; string title; string content; uint64_t primary_key()const { return post_id; } account_name get_poster() const { return poster; } EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(da, (post_id)(poster)(title)(content)) }; typedef eosio::multi_index<N(data), da, indexed_by<N(byposter), const_mem_fun<da, account_name, &da::get_poster>> > article; }; }
#include "netkiller.hpp" namespace eosio { void netkiller::create(account_name author, string title, string content) { require_auth( author ); article datable( _self, _self); datable.emplace(author, [&]( da & d){ d.title = title; d.content = content; d.post_id = datable.available_primary_key(); d.poster = author; }); } void netkiller::change(account_name author, uint64_t post_id, string title, string content) { require_auth(author); article datable( _self, author); auto post = datable.find(post_id); eosio_assert(post->poster == author, "netkiller"); datable.modify(post, author, [&](auto& p){ if (title != "") p.title = title; if (content != "") p.content = content; }); } void netkiller::remove(account_name author, uint64_t post_id) { require_auth(author); article datable( _self, author); auto post = datable.find(post_id); eosio::print(post->title.c_str()); eosio_assert(post->poster == author, "The author is invlide"); datable.erase(post); } void netkiller::find(uint64_t post_id, account_name author){ article datable(_self, _self); auto post_da = datable.find( post_id); eosio::print("Post_id: ", post_da->post_id, " Post_Tile: ", post_da->title.c_str(), " Content: ", post_da->content.c_str()); auto poster_index = datable.template get_index<N(byposter)>(); auto pos = poster_index.find( author ); for (; pos != poster_index.end(); pos++) { eosio::print("content:", pos->content.c_str(), " post_id:", pos->post_id, " title:", pos->title.c_str()); } } } EOSIO_ABI(eosio::netkiller, (create)(change)(remove)(find))
nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --plugin eosio::wallet_api_plugin
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos wallet unlock [root@netkiller ~]# cleos create key Private key: 5HxCWNbTEADKbvdRBgeENXhxReHMQbVuPL5mumDqGCzmkPo5yy3 Public key: EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos wallet import 5HxCWNbTEADKbvdRBgeENXhxReHMQbVuPL5mumDqGCzmkPo5yy3 imported private key for: EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4 [root@netkiller ~]# cleos wallet keys | grep EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4 "EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4",
創建賬號 neo
[root@netkiller ~]# cleos create account eosio contract.cms EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4 EOS7WEcxxHcmM7w7DHB56N6qQ2toMrdudYjeDTZb6LtL9g77MXzR4 executed transaction: f04ba09f633dffbf97321c6d2e021192082383908fa690dc40032cd98a1bfd89 200 bytes 390 us # eosio <= eosio::newaccount "0000000000ea305590af0119999b274501000000010003588ecdc868696f500c7782dbf0da3b298830e67ea9b810469819d... warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
contract.art 就是我們合約賬號,我們使用 contract 首碼來區分他是合約賬號。
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos wallet unlock password: Unlocked: default [root@netkiller eos]# cleos set contract contract.cms cms Reading WAST/WASM from cms/cms.wasm... Using already assembled WASM... Publishing contract... executed transaction: 8a72e29389e170807daaf41e9c9e70ac4eff2f2f129ca22ef55ca9443768dedf 7176 bytes 1311 us # eosio <= eosio::setcode "80250219999b27450000c3770061736d0100000001b2011b60037f7e7e0060027f7e0060057f7e7e7f7f0060047f7e7f7f0... # eosio <= eosio::setabi "80250219999b27459d020e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e30000506637265617465000306617574686f72046e616d65057... warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
cleos push action contract.cms create '{"author":"contract.cms","title":"hello","content":"helloworld!!!"}' -p contract.cms [root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.art create '{"author":"contract.art","title":"hello","content":"helloworld!!!"}' -p contract.art executed transaction: b6cab608fb4e7fa17a7f893848f3516e1bfd231769ad7d7226b0a099f309a771 120 bytes 899 us # contract.art <= contract.art::create {"author":"contract.cms","title":"hello","content":"helloworld!!!"} warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms create '{"author":"neo","title":"hello","content":"helloworld!!!"}' -p neo executed transaction: 90cb81b11386514b450e1a609f0e1e2633f6a4e40d453c127811e5cd33b46a5a 120 bytes 755 us # contract.art <= contract.art::create {"author":"neo","title":"hello","content":"helloworld!!!"} warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms find '{"id":0}' -p contract.cms executed transaction: b3cba4d001fcb49a88926be208fa7bee59d557b0ed8a2bd12e65bdd3ff69c61e 104 bytes 486 us # contract.cms <= contract.cms::find {"id":0} >> id: 0 Tile: hello Content: helloworld!!!
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms query '{"author":"contract.cms", "id":0}' -p contract.cms executed transaction: c81a0d21634f4942f7d65dd49efcf5cf7cd739a049968b5f9b0eaad7de4c688c 112 bytes 583 us # contract.cms <= contract.cms::query {"author":"contract.cms","id":0} >> Post_id: 0 Post_Tile: hello Content: helloworld!!!content:helloworld!!! id:0 title:hello
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms change '{"author":"contract.cms","id":0,"title":"word","content":"china"}' -p contract.cms executed transaction: 073205e4e3e30699a81394ee622aa84d568958919801b364d809ff34f4ca8412 120 bytes 553 us # contract.cms <= contract.cms::change {"author":"contract.cms","id":0,"title":"word","content":"china"}
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms find '{"id":0}' -p contract.cms executed transaction: 300fe2c93cf2cfebcdd0524e0629a96b3011b0592be2119d001f38807c1c378b 104 bytes 498 us # contract.cms <= contract.cms::find {"id":0} >> id: 0 Tile: word Content: china
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms remove '{"author":"contract.cms","id":0}' -p contract.cms executed transaction: eeee8ff799c58d5e3a246ccec8d80c47599ad947d4581611d9a668abee53c0b5 112 bytes 770 us # contract.cms <= contract.cms::remove {"author":"contract.cms","id":0} >> word
檢查被刪除的數據,提示 Error 3070002: Runtime Error Processing WASM 表示找不到該記錄。
[root@netkiller eos]# cleos push action contract.cms find '{"id":0}' -p contract.cms Error 3070002: Runtime Error Processing WASM
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp> using namespace eosio; class vehicle : public eosio::contract { public: /// @abi table struct service_rec { uint64_t pkey; account_name customer; uint32_t date; uint32_t odometer; auto primary_key() const { return pkey; } account_name get_customer() const { return customer; } EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(service_rec, (pkey)(customer)(date)(odometer)) }; typedef multi_index<N(service), service_rec> service_table_type; using contract::contract; /// @abi action void exec(account_name owner, account_name customer) { service_table_type service_table(current_receiver(), owner); uint64_t pkeyf; service_table.emplace(owner, [&](auto &s_rec) { s_rec.pkey = service_table.available_primary_key(); // 主鍵自增 pkeyf = s_rec.pkey; print(pkeyf);// 打印主鍵內容 s_rec.customer = customer; s_rec.date = 2000; s_rec.odometer = 100; }); print("Hello, ", name{customer}); service_rec result = service_table.get(pkeyf); print("_", result.pkey); print("_", result.customer); print("_", result.date); print("_", result.odometer); } }; EOSIO_ABI(vehicle, (exec))