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第 37 章 代碼託管


37.1. sourceforge.net
37.1.1. http://netkiller.users.sourceforge.net/ 頁面
37.2. Google Code
37.3. GitHub
37.3.1. 首次操作
37.3.2. clone 已經存在的倉庫

37.1. sourceforge.net

37.1.1. http://netkiller.users.sourceforge.net/ 頁面

使用 sftp命令連接netkiller@frs.sourceforge.net,然後切換目錄cd userweb/htdocs/,上傳頁面檔案 put index.html,sourceforge.net 支持php

$ sftp netkiller@frs.sourceforge.net
netkiller@frs.sourceforge.net's password:
Connected to frs.sourceforge.net.
sftp> ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           28 Apr 26  2012 userweb
sftp> cd userweb/htdocs/
sftp> put /tmp/index.html
Uploading /tmp/index.html to /home/user-web/n/ne/netkiller/htdocs/index.html
/tmp/index.html                     100%   10     0.0KB/s   00:00
sftp> put /tmp/index.php
Uploading /tmp/index.php to /home/user-web/n/ne/netkiller/htdocs/index.php
/tmp/index.php                      100%   17     0.0KB/s   00:00
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/user-web/n/ne/netkiller/htdocs
sftp> ls
index.html  index.php
sftp> exit


幫助: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Developer%20web