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Netkiller learning english notes

Neo Chan, 陳景峰


學英語記筆記. http://netkiller.github.io

Table of Contents

2. is being / are being
3. 固定用法
3.2. 數量
3.2.1. several
3.2.2. More than ... 超過
3.2.3. less than ... 不到,少於
3.2.4. most of 大部分
3.3. Must be 一定是
3.4. neither ...nor ... 既不...又不...
3.5. need to
3.5.1. need time to
3.6. form ... to ...
3.7. have to 必須,不得不
3.8. …turns me off.真受不了…
3.9. I'm crazy about…我對…着迷
3.10. get along with… 與…處得來
3.11. I have a complex about…我擔心…
3.12. I ... to ...
3.13. You'd / We'd better... 你們/我們最好···
3.14. ...really bug me …真令人心煩
3.15. rather than 與其…倒不如,不是…而是
3.16. go over
3.17. find out
3.18. instead of
3.19. be suppose to ...
3.20. Perfect for / Not for ...
3.21. come up with ...
3.22. come up with 提出,想出,提供
3.23. how to make sentences with the verb like.
4. these words are always forget
5. 單詞
5.1. 感嘆詞
5.2. Adjective
5.2.1. necessary 必要的
5.3. Adverb 副詞
5.3.1. extremely 及其
5.3.2. terribly 非常
5.3.3. super
5.3.4. especially
5.3.5. particularly 尤其,格外
5.4. Numerals
5.4.1. 1 - 12
5.4.2. 13 - 19
5.4.3. 20-90
5.5. Year, Month, Week, Day, Date, Time
5.5.1. Year
5.5.2. Month
5.5.3. Week
5.5.4. Day
5.5.5. Date
5.5.6. Time
5.6. size
6. 縮寫
7. Phrase
7.1. so that 以便
7.2. 疑問
7.2.1. Where
7.2.2. Which
7.3. 因果
7.3.1. 因為/所以 because/so
7.4. What, That, Which, Who
7.4.1. What
7.4.2. That
7.4.3. Who
7.5. 例子
7.5.1. Take take a look 看一眼,讓我看一下 message
7.5.2. Can

List of Tables

3.2. how to make sentences with the verb like.
3.5. Questions with Like
3.6. Short Answers
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