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部分 VI. Graphics


34. Gnuplot
34.1. 安裝 Gnuplot
34.1.1. CentOS 環境
34.1.2. Ubuntu 環境
34.1.3. 測試 Gnuplot 是否可用
34.2. terminal
34.3. output
34.4. title/xlabel/ylabel
34.5. xrange/yrange
34.5.1. 時間軸範圍
34.5.2. 日期軸範圍
34.6. xdata
34.6.1. Date/Time
34.7. plot
34.7.1. using
34.8. PHPlot
34.9. FAQ
34.9.1. Could not find/open font when opening font "arial", using internal non-scalable font
34.9.2. 變數傳遞
35. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
35.1. Installation
35.1.1. Apt-get
35.1.2. Yum
35.2. The DOT Language
35.2.1. dot 佈局
35.2.2. twopi
35.2.3. gprof
35.3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
35.3.1. Color Names
35.3.2. Node Shapes
35.3.3. 箭頭
35.4. Example
35.4.1. E-R
35.4.2. Network
35.4.3. workflow
36. RRDTool
36.1. install
36.2. rrdtool demo example
36.3. title
36.4. start / end
36.5. height / width
36.6. upper-limit / lower-limit
36.7. vertical-label
36.8. Data Source
36.9. Round Robin Archives
36.10. AREA, LINE and STACK
36.10.1. LINE
36.10.2. AREA
36.10.3. STACK
36.10.4. GPRINT
36.11. Example
36.11.1. Memory
36.11.2. example 1
36.11.3. example 1
37. OpenBR
38. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
38.1. Tesseract
38.2. cuneiform - multi-language OCR system
39. Open-Source tool in Java to draw UML Diagram
40. Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language
40.1. UML
41. MetaPost
42. OpenStreetMap
42.1. OpenLayers
42.2. Leaflet
43. Baidu Map
43.1. BMap.Circle