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第 35 章 Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software


35.1. Installation
35.1.1. Apt-get
35.1.2. Yum
35.2. The DOT Language
35.2.1. dot 佈局
35.2.2. twopi
35.2.3. gprof
35.3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
35.3.1. Color Names
35.3.2. Node Shapes
35.3.3. 箭頭
35.4. Example
35.4.1. E-R
35.4.2. Network
35.4.3. workflow

35.1. Installation

35.1.1. Apt-get

to see all available graphviz packages.

$ apt-cache search graphviz |grep ^g
graphviz - rich set of graph drawing tools
graphviz-dev - transitional package for graphviz-dev rename
graphviz-doc - additional documentation for graphviz

$ apt-cache search graphviz |grep Graphviz
dot2tex - Graphviz to LaTeX converter
libgraph-easy-perl - Perl module to convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
python-pydot - Python interface to Graphviz's dot
python-pygraphviz - Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package
python-yapgvb - Python bindings for Graphviz, using Boost.Python
xdot - interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files

$ sudo apt install graphviz

Test, A "Hello World" example made by giving the command:

echo "digraph G {Hello->World}" | dot -Tpng >hello.png

35.1.2. Yum

# yum list 'graphviz*'
# yum install graphviz